Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Looking Down From the Bottom: The Weekly Hodgepodge

Want to join the party?  Go on over to From This Side of the Pond  for the Hodgepodge questions.

It's  been said that one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day. Do you think that's true? Do you find that an easy exercise most mornings? What's something positive you told yourself today? If you missed that boat, what's something positive you could tell yourself tomorrow?

I believe it's true.  Proverbs 23:7 says "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he..."  Some mornings it's easier to be positive than others.  The thing I've been telling myself lately is "no pressure." 

There will be karaoke at the next party you attend...are you in? Or will you be faking a sore throat?

First of all, it would be a pleasant surprise to be invited to a party, much less one with karaoke.  So, if I can, I'm going.  If they have songs I know, sure I'll enjoy the fun.

January 29th is National Puzzle Day...what's something you've found puzzling recently?

The job market.  'Nuf said.

Jigsaw, crossword, acrostic, logic, sudoku, word search...what's your favorite kind of puzzle, and when did you last work one?

I like crossword puzzles, but I haven't done one in a long time.  Maybe I need to add finishing a crossword puzzle book to my 101 in 1001 honorable mentions list.

Recently a writer by the name of Amy Glass ruffled feathers with a post she wrote saying she looks down on young women with husbands and kids and she's not sorry. Among other things, she says women will be equal with men when we stop saying house work and real work are equally important. You can read the whole piece by clicking here.

What say you? Do you think men and women are equal in the 21st century? Why or why not?

God created us all equal. Humans created compartments of inequality for their own comfort and to prove their supposed superiority.  I do not agree with the author's comments about being a wife and mother being the "path of least resistance."  I do, however, think that mom's bashing single people is just as wrong as what this chick is doing.  And, yes, I get tired of every blog being a mommy blog or a single pining for her "Prince Charming" to rescue her and lamenting that he's not here yet.  Please, someone, just show some strength here.

This girl's post makes me wonder about what kind of mother she had.  Kind of sad.

What's a product you've noticed in the grocery store that you'd like to try, but haven't yet?

Nutella.  I don't know what it is, but it sounds good.
Kale - Not sure if you can put it raw on a salad or not.
Tofu - I may look up some recipes and try it on my vegetarian trial week.
Couscous - I like rice, so this could be good.

The author, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (aka Lewis Carroll) was born this week in 1832 (January 27th).  Which character from his celebrated novel, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, would you most like to meet, and why? Here's a link to a character list if you need help on this one.

Never read the book nor seen any of the movie adaptations of it.  The whole story sounds like a severe acid trip.  No thank you.

Insert your own random thought here.

We've had a rare snow/ice storm here in Alabama, so I've had to stay indoors.  I'm trying to relax and enjoy the days.  I realize that for a while, I've been putting so much pressure and stress on myself that it was harming me, both mentally and physically.  Yes, there are things I want and need to accomplish.  But, I cannot do them on my own.  I must do my part, but also rest in God and trust that He will do His part.  It is also not up to others to determine whether I'm working hard enough or not.  They are not here with me every day, nor are they all knowing or all seeing.

The snow made me smile the first day, and even the second day.  But today I want it gone!

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