Wednesday, January 1, 2025

25 for 2025: Introduction

Welcome to year two of participating in Gretchen Rubin's yearly challenge. To learn more about the 25 for 2025 challenge, please see the Happier podcast here.

To see how I did on my 24 for 2024 list, please click here.

I have composed the following list.  As I complete each item, I will mark it as complete.  If it is blog worthy, I'll post it as a link or, where applicable, include a photo.  NOTE:  List is subject to change without notice.

  1. Lose 25 pounds in 2025. (5 pounds lost)
  2. Make myself a quilt and a set of pillowcases.
  3. Establish and maintain a set morning and evening routine (write it down, display it, do it).
  4. Get a professional head shot done (or do it myself).
  5. Release eight episodes of my podcast.
  6. Sell at least five pieces of art. (# pieces sold)
  7. Read 100 books.  (16 books read)
  8. Finish and self publish a book.
  9. Go on or have my own creative retreat.
  10. Walk and average of 7,500 steps per day.
  11. Make 100 cards for Cards for Kindness. (32 cards made so far)
  12. Dress up and wear makeup whenever I have a scheduled Zoom or live meeting at least once a month. (2 months complete)
  13. Work out at least three times a week for at least 25 weeks. (2 weeks complete)
  14. Attend or create a spiritual retreat.
  15. Have at least one live or online painting party.
  16. Finish the items for Colorado Family Life Center I started and deliver them
  17. Complete the "Run for the Door" 5k for Open Door Ministries in June.
  18. Read the first book in the Harry Potter series.  If I like it, finish the rest of the series.  If not, read C. S. Lewis's space trilogy.
  19. Try five new recipes. (1 so far)

    Taco Cupcakes
    Recipe here.

  20. Deep clean my car once a quarter.
  21. Work at a location outside my home 25 times (weather permitting). (1 times complete)
  22. #Write25in25:  This is in the spirit of late year's #write24in24 challenge.  In last year's challenge, I established a consistent morning journaling practice.  This year, I'd like to take the writing challenge again with an emphasis on published writing (books, articles, blog posts, etc.).  Because of my work schedule, some days will be at least 25 minutes of writing; others will be two to five minutes of writing.
  23. Read through the New American Standard version of the Bible in chronological order.
  24. #FiveToOne - For every five projects finished from Pinterest and my YouTube Crafts to Try playlist, I may pin/save ONE new one.  And, no, deleting pins or videos does not give me permission to pin more. (For the Pinterest projects click here.  For the YouTube projects, click here.)
  25. Free play!  These are the fun things I want to accomplish throughout the year that didn't make into the top 25.
  • Do a 30 day photo a day challenge. 
  • Do at least five art/craft projects based on the prompts of  Moriah Elizabeth's "Create This Book" series.
  • Reread Jan Karon's Mitford series.
  • Watch five new movies I've never seen.
  • TBD

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