Saturday, February 7, 2015

Auntie's Full Shelf Challenge 01

BookBig Girls Don't Whine.

Author: Jan Silvious

Info: Copyright 2003 by Word Publishing Group

Where acquired: Library book sale.

Why:  Ever since I taught preschool, I've established a "no whining zone" around my body.  However, this zone is for small children, but the author is referring to grown women.  What's up with that?  I got curious and took a small risk and purchased the book.

Rating (on a scale of 1-4 hashtags):  # # # 1/2

What it's about:  The term "Big Girl" is not a description of the physical size of a woman, but the size of her spirit and heart.  Silvious makes a distinction between immature and mature behavior and offers some practical (and some not so practical) steps to Christian maturity.

Favorite Quotes

About being a good friend:  "Big Girls let others feel what they feel without judgment.  They celebrate differences and learn from one another without condemnation" - p. 113

About mentoring:  "Too often, age is an excuse to sit back and 'let the young folks do it.' When older Big Girls step up to the plate and serve and share their lives with Big Girls in process, everyone wins." - p. 155

What I Liked:
  • The author made an attempt to address ladies at every stage of life.
  • She used her own life as an example of both mature and immature behavior.  In other words, she's lived this, not just theorized about it. 
  • Yes, the book is geared toward women, however, men would benefit from reading this book also.  Knowing what a mature Big Girl looks and sounds like may help him avoid heartache. 
  • Silvious was very encouraging on the subject of mentoring.  She gave some alternatives to traditional mentoring.  These are things that I can readily apply.
What I didn’t like: 
  • Though the author devotes a chapter to single women, nearly every example and encouragement in the book was from the context and experience of a married woman.  It was like she was saying, "We know you single ladies are out there.  Be content, but this is how it REALLY is at best.  So we hope you get married soon." 
  • This is most likely the editors doing, not the author's, but I really dislike what I call "aside boxes" in writing--those little boxes that repeat a phase you've just read.  I may feel a different statement meant more to me.  Use those boxes for pictures, illustrations, or information not already contained in the text.  Otherwise, they are a distraction that  makes the author look very narcissistic.
  • There was a reader's guide with questions to ponder.  Too bad it wasn't mentioned in the introduction or early in the book.  Otherwise, I may have known about it sooner.  That guide would have made the experience much richer.
  • Although I liked the book, to me it ended on a rather depressing note.  I won't spoil it, but it left me rather deflated at the end.
To sum up

Growing to maturity isn't easy for anyone, but it can be an enjoyable journey.  The key is to pass on what you've learned so that others don't suffer needlessly.

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