Friday, June 27, 2014

Five Minute Friday: "Lost."

Thanks to Lisa-Jo Baker at Five Minute Friday for the prompts.
 Amazing grace.  How sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found.
Was blind, but now I see.

Oftentimes, I feel lost.  There's the good kind of lost:  Lost in a good book.  Lost in thought.  Lost in a great sermon.  Losing track of time when I'm "in the groove" on an art project.  There's the bad kind of lost:  Lost in a crowd of people.  Lost on the road.  Then, there's the worst kind of lost there is; a lost eternity.
Being found in God's love and Christ's sacrifice was the greatest day of my life.  No other victory matters without that one.  I could live a life of total opulence, but without being found, it all means nothing.
I pray often for those who are still lost.  It doesn't matter if they want to be found, or even know or care that they are lost, God still draws them with His goodness (Romans 2:4), and touches their hearts with His love (John 3:16).


  1. I love the phrase "draws them with His goodness", YES! Thank you for such a lovely read on this Friday morning. :-)
