Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Going to the Can: The Weekly Hodgepodge

Join the fun! 
Come on over to 
for the Hodgepodge link-up!

Your favorite cleaning product? Do you clean your own house or hire out? Most disliked household chore? What one chore do you not mind so much? 

Dollar Tree sells a cleaner call LA's Totally Awesome All-Purpose Cleaner and Degreaser.  It's really effective for cleaning most things in my kitchen.  I'm trying not to laugh about the "hiring out" question.  I live in a one bedroom apartment.  Even after I move into the house of my dreams, I don't think my conscience would let me hire cleaning help.  My mother was a housekeeper.  If she could clean someone else's house while keeping her own home in immaculate condition, surely I (who have no kids, husband, or pets to make a mess) should be able to clean my own.  

My most disliked chore is dusting.  Because of Colorado's arid climate, dust, grime, and ash from wildfire smoke seems to never go away.  Also, I've never found a satisfactory way to dust without taking everything off of shelves, dusting the shelves, then putting everything back.  One chore I don't mind is washing dishes.  Yes, I have a dishwasher, however, I frequently hand wash my dishes since the loads are usually not large enough to run the dishwasher.  Now, when I do a lot of cooking, or get into a multi day project and don't have time--or don't feel like--washing the dishes, I will run them through the dishwasher.  Second to that, I don't mind vacuuming.

It's Canned Food you use a lot of canned goods? What are the three canned items you purchase most often? Last thing you made using a canned ingredient? 
It's always Canned Food Month at my house.  The three canned items I buy most often are sliced black olives, stewed tomatoes, and beans.  The last thing I made completely out of canned goods was when I made vegetable soup in the Crock Pot last weekend.

Can of worms, anything can happen, can you imagine?, as best I can, kick the can down the road, more than one can take, no can do, not if I can help it...choose an idiom and tell us how you currently relate.
More than I can take.  I know that we're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel with this pandemic, but the government-mandated solitary confinement is riding me hard.

The last Tuesday in February is National Spa Day. Are you someone who enjoys a day at the spa? Last time you visited a spa? Do you have a favorite spa? Are salons open for business in your area? Have you made changes to your hair and nail routine since Corona hit? In what way? 
I've never been to a spa (Dave Ramsey says no!).  I hope to go some day and get the full treatment. The only change to my routine is that I don't get someone else to cut my hair anymore.  I have no idea if the salons or spas are open here in Colorado. 

OK, I'm depressed now...Let's cheer up.

Believe it or not this is the last Hodgepodge of the month. In one sentence sum up your February. 

Insert your own random thought here.

In case you're interested: 
* My latest Five Minute Friday Post, "Once," is here.
* My latest Auntie's Workshop post "Get 'er Done Art Challenge: Round Two, Phase Two" is here.
* My latest Simple Woman's Daybook post "A Better Normal" is here.
* My latest book review in my 2021 Flip and Sip Reading Challenge is here


  1. Hopefully things lighten up there soon. I don't really understand the messaging...if we get the vaccine but still have to mask and social distance then what's the point? We're not eligible yet anyway so are waiting to see how it all goes. Herd immunity is becoming a thing and I think that's going to be the most helpful in a return to normalcy. Keep looking up!

  2. What Dave Ramsey says goes at my house. (Have you heard of/read Ron Blue? He was our best intro to good money management--besides our parents.)
    SoCal living was always dusty. I notice the difference in how often I need to dust in our new state.
    I really really hope things open up soon! I'm just done.

  3. I'm awaiting spring too.
