Friday, February 12, 2021

Five Minute Friday: "Once"


"You're once, twice, three times a lady."
Once in a lifetime.
Once Again (great praise song by Johnathan Stockstil and Bethany Praise--see below)

I once had this album...well cassette.  I first heard of Jerome Olds in 1989 when I was at a youth retreat in Montgomery, Alabama, but couldn't buy the cassette until I saw him again in Panama City Beach, Florida in 1992 when I was participating in Campus Outreach's Summer Beach project.

Well, why didn't you buy the CD?  Because I was a broke college student who couldn't afford a CD player at the time.  Is that OK with you? 


The day my tape recorder ate this cassette (which was more than 25 years later, I might add) was a devastating day for me.  Not only were there songs on this particular compilation that are not available on any of his available CDs, but the album itself holds great memories for me.  Mr. Olds didn't realize how God used him in my life.  During the youth retreat, he took to time to minister to and pray for me.  He opened up James, chapter 1 and explained perseverance to the fullest extent a tired, lonely, angry 17 year old could receive.  That encounter got me through college.  Even in the years I was away from God, I would still play that tape and remember.

Even today I still cannot find this on CD (they once existed).  I've tried every music service I can think of.  I even had a friend in Georgia try to find the church where Mr. Olds used to be the worship minister in hopes that they had the CD. No luck.  If you know Jerome Olds, or ARE Jerome Olds (not sure if the Facebook and Twitter pages I @'ed are really him) and have access to this CD or mp3 album (I don't have a cassette player anymore), I'm willing to pay a REASONABLE price for it.  Just contact me through Facebook messenger or Please and thank you.


  1. How frustrating! I hope by some miracle you are able to find it.
    Visiting from #5

    1. Thank you. That was a great album, so I don't understand why it isn't readily available.
