Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Red Hots: The Weekly Hodgepodge

Join the fun! 
Come on over to 
for the Hodgepodge link-up!

Something little you are loving right now? 

I'm enjoying a little more time.  I just finished up nearly 18 months of intensive theological study.  My evenings and weekends are now freed up for first rest, then artistic and other pursuits.  The study was well worth it, but I'm hoping that the wider time margins will enable me to devote more time to serving at my church. I don't like just showing up, listening to sermons, and donating money; I like involvement.

Red roses or pink peonies? Both. Red wine or pink lemonade? Pink lemonade. Red lipstick or pink polish? Yes. A cotton candy colored sky or a fiery red sunset? Both are gorgeous.  A book-movie-song you love with the word red or pink in it's title? I think the word love is a little strong, but the first thing I thought of was the song "Little Red Corvette" by Prince.  What?

What's something you currently have your heart set on doing-going-seeing-or experiencing?

When all the Covid crazy is finally done with enough for people to come out and play and budget allows, I've got my heart set on going home for a visit. I know I've said it before, but I'm ready to go home again for fun,  not funerals. Even if JSU doesn't have the Marching Southerners reunion, I still want to go home and see everyone, go to all of the haunts, and eat my way up and down Alabama highway 21.

Who would you most like to have a heart to heart with right now? Is that possible? 

I'm not sure it's possible, but I wish I could have a heart to heart with our Executive Pastor, Doug.  He's a couple of years older than I and like me, he's never been married, so he's the only one of our pastors who truly understands.  I want to know what his experience has been.  As frustrating as my experience with church people has been concerning my marital state, I'm sure him being part of the pastoral staff of a large church is much worse.  I wish we could compare notes (and gripes) and that I could get advice from him on how to handle possible hurdles to ministry I might face.  Plus, I want him to know that even if our experiences may differ, I understand and am in his corner. I'm not sure if it's possible since he is male.  I'm not sure what the pastoral counseling rules are at my church.  Some churches do not allow male pastors to counsel with women alone and vice versa (which I completely understand and am in agreement with).  Some churches do not allow it at all (which I understand, but don't agree with. But I'm not the problem; other people who don't know how to act are).

Write an acrostic for the word L-O-V-E. 

Every time

Insert your own random thought here.

In case you're interested:

* My latest Five Minute Friday Post, "Design," is here.
* My latest Auntie's Workshop post Get 'er Done Art Challenge: Round Two, Phase One" is here.
* My latest Simple Woman's Daybook post "A Better Normal" is here.
* My 2021 Flip and Sip Reading Challenge is here.


  1. I do hope you get that trip home before too long. Yes counseling is tricky in terms of male/female. It's a shame it's come to this but such are the times in which we live. I don't know if you're following the Ravi Zacharias story but it breaks my heart. We humans are all vulnerable to temptation and we know this, but stories like this are so disappointing. Take care and have a nice week!

    1. No, I've only heard of Zacharias in passing and know that he died last year. Let me guess, now that the man is dead, his critics are trying to discredit his apologetic stance for Christianity by pointing out the he's a flawed human? Sounds like a play straight out of satan's Cancel Culture playbook.
