Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Yes, I Cheated: The Weekly Hodgepodge

Join the fun! 
Come on over to 
for the Hodgepodge link-up!

I'm going to cheat a little a lot on this weeks hodgepodge.  I started not to post at all because I felt my answers were too short and boring.  So, rather than give short boring answers to Miss Joyce's questions, I'll just tell you what's in my heart.  I hope that's ok Miss Joyce.

The first question asked was "Feb 2nd is Groundhog Day in the US of A. Tell us about one day you wouldn't mind living over again, and why you chose that day."  My answer is that there's not really one specific day I would want to relive.  Any day that I'm with people who love me laughing, being creative, or making music is a day worth reliving.  

After the pandemic restrictions lift (whenever the heck that is) I may be able to find more opportunities to be creative or play music in community.  However, I just came to a horrible realization today.  Some of you know that I've been in the throws of an intense theological study program for the past 18 months.  It ends Sunday.  Though I'm glad it's over and my evenings and weekends will be freed up, my first thought was, "Now what am I going to do?"  I made it through the holidays and most of the quarantine because I was so busy. Sure, I can catch up on things I had to put on hold, but as I've said before; I can only read so many books, watch so many YouTube videos and paint so many paintings before the loneliness and depression creep in again.

I love y'all, but all of you introverts can have a Coke and a smile right now.  You have spouses, kids, parents, roommates, partners, shawtys, or side pieces at your house and quite frankly, I'm sick of hearing you lie about how this has been so wonderful since you don't have to deal with people.  You have built in community at home.  I'm an ambivert who needs a balance of people time and solitude.  I've had enough alone time to make Superman's Fortress of Solitude look like a crack house.  So I'm more than overdue for a better normal.  Any of you who are willing to be truthful are ready too.

I'll see y'all next time, Lord willing.  I'm going to bed.


  1. Thank you for your honesty!! I worked from home for 12 weeks beginning back in March. I do have a husband at home but his job was considered essential so he went off to work each day and I was going stir crazy not seeing my work people except via zoom. I cannot imagine how hard it is to live alone during this time. Congrats on finishing your theological study program. I can certainly understand why you have mixed emotions. Full days do help when isolated.
