Friday, June 22, 2018

Five Minute Friday: "Ocean"

The first thing that came to mind when I saw the prompt was this song:

For me, grace is like the ocean; the more I experience it, the more I want of it.  I've spent much more time swimming in God's grace than the actual ocean.  However, the few times I've been to the ocean (or the gulf), I really wanted to bask in all the sights and sounds of it, yet never got the chance.  My oceanside excursions were always in the midst of busy activity--conferences, revival meetings, and one awesome band exhibition (#BlowSoutherners).

Do I partake the grace of God like this?  Am I so busy with the stuff I'm supposed to do that I miss the splendor surrounding me?  Have I left myself so unsatisfied and distant that it seems impossible to reach that place of peace again? 

When thinking of home, I think about how close I lived to the gulf and how I let fear keep me from travelling there alone.  There should be no fear in God's grace, but there is.  Being afraid that the grace isn't there (maybe God's mad), or that we'll frustrate His grace (Galatians 2:21).  But, like the ocean, grace is always there in all its beauty, waiting for us to dive in.


  1. I've never thought of grace like the ocean...Auntie (may I call you this?), you've opened my eyes!

    #1 at FMF this week.

    1. Absolutely! Please call me Auntie. I hope everyone does.
      Thanks so much for reading.
