Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Crocs and Crocks: The Weekly Hodgepodge

Want to join the party?  Go on over to From This Side of the Pond  for the Hodgepodge link-up!

Did you make someone laugh yesterday? Was it intentional?
Yes I did, and it was intentional.  I try to make people laugh whenever I'm around.  I used to hide behind the humor.  Now, it's just a pleasant part of my personality.  I am a comedian at heart.
What's a simple question with a complicated answer?
Why? It's a simple question with a complicated answer.  "Because I said so!" worked when I was a child.  As an adult, that doesn't cut it anymore.
Rhododendrons or have to choose. Are either currently blooming in your yard?
Neither are in the yard, but azaleas are my favorite.  I used to have them at my old apartment and plan to plant them when I get my own place.
This Pink Ice Azalea was my favorite.  I think my landlord cut it down (along with my roses) after I moved.

May 21st is National Waitstaff Day. Have you ever worked as a waiter/waitress? How would you rate the experience? What was the best/worst part of the job?
No, I've never worked as a server.  I'd be afraid to.  I'm not clumsy, but when I see the size of platters they must lift, I imagine myself spilling it all in the floor or on a customer.
What fashion trend for women should be outlawed? How about one for men?
For women; thongs and ridiculously high heeled shoes.  For men; flip flops, fish fin hair cuts, and any t-shirts containing profanity.  For everybody:  Crocs, hip hugger jeans, and anything that makes you say "I don't want to see all that!"

Name a writer who inspires tell us why.
You want me to pick ONE?!  I'd have to say Beth Moore.  Like many of my favorite authors, she doesn't just tell people what to do, but shows how she's lived it herself.  Her books are like a girl's day out chat at the coffee shop.  Quite frankly, I love Beth Moore because she's a hot mess. 
What well known quote or saying sums up your plans for today or this week?
Insert your own random thought here.
I'm still reeling after my Tulsa trip.  It was NOT a vacation.  I'm going to need a vacation to recover from this thing.  The Journey Training was like nothing I've ever done.  It's like Celebrate Recovery, The Walking Dead, Marching Southerners Band Camp, and Marine Hell Week all in one...and I can't wait to get back to Tulsa in June.


  1. Yes! I hate Crocs and I'm appalled that they even make them for kids. Someone gave my son a pair once and they gave him big old blisters. But they look even worse with socks!

  2. There are so many authors I love I seen mentioned today that I didn't think of when I answered. Beth Moore is a favorite of mine too!

  3. Beth Moore -- I agree with you. She is inspiring! The Lord bless you!

  4. Crocs with socks is definitely not a good look. Thankfully I don't own any.
