Friday, August 15, 2014

Five Minute Friday: "Tell"

Our new Mistress of Ceremonies for the Five Minute Friday is Kate over at Heading Home.  Hope you link up with us and join the fun.
"We cannot stop telling about the wonderful things we saw Jesus do and heard him say.”
Acts 4:20 (The Living Bible)
I was taught in school not to be a tattletale.  That was useful in the prevention of whining, but it also kept me from telling things that should have been told. 
I had no idea that adulthood would bring about the same thing.  Not about being a tattletale, but having to keep things to myself.  I'm not at all advocating having diarrhea of the mouth and telling everyone everywhere all my business, I'm just talking about being able to tell the good without friends getting their shorts in a bunch, and telling the bad to people I should be able to trust without being accused of doing something wrong.  I, in turn, want to be a friend also so trustworthy.
The word tell also beings the lyrics, "Go tell it on the mountain; over the hills and everywhere.  Go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is Lord."  Yeah, I know this is a Christmas song, but the message is 24/7.


  1. It's so much easier to keep our mouths told and not get involved. But I know that Jesus calls us to share. Blessings!
