Friday, June 20, 2014

Brought to You By the Letter B: The Friday 5

Go over to for the weekly prompts.
I'm trying a new blogging prompt called Friday 5. The blog author gives you five random questions to answer.  This one may be like Thursday 13 that I only do it once in a while.  Let me know what you think. Here goes.

This week first thing I had to do was go to a random letter generator and answer the five questions based on that letter.  The letter I got was B.
  1. What article of clothing, whose name begins with the letter, have you never worn?  Bikini--'nuf said.  :)
  2. What book, whose title begins with the letter, are you looking forward to reading?  The Blessing of the Lord by Kenneth Copeland.  I've had the book for several months, but haven't gotten into it yet. BTW-- For all of us grammar and mechanics nuts the T in The does not count. 
  3. What mode of transportation, whose name begins with the letter, seems like it would be fun?  Boat.  I would really like to go on a cruise or two someday.
  4. What form of exercise, whose name begins with the letter, have you recently engaged in? Well, Bicycling of course.
  5. What fictional character, whose name begins with the letter, would be good company on a long trip? Bob Cratchit from A Christmas Carol.  He would be courteous and thankful.  He wouldn't complain; he's just be happy to be there. He would most likely take good care of anyone who went along.


  1. I, too, have never worn a bikini. We have that in common! Thanks for participating in this week's Friday 5!
