Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Blog Challenge Day 09 - Definition Demolition

Blog challenge is from Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine

Day 09: What defines you?
There are many things that should define me: my character, my relationship with Christ, my love for people, you know, the things inside me that should matter.  There are also things that should not ever define me:  my skin color, my weight, my socioeconomic class, you know, those external factors that shouldn't matter.  But none of those things is what really defines me.  What I do is what defines me:  I am the musician, the artist, the one who does X or Y.  I have set myself up for this, but I can't help but to do. I like doing.  If damage comes from doing (which has happened in the past), then I can simply stop doing.  But if the damage comes from showing who I really am inside (which has also happened in the past), the only way to fix that is to try to stop being me and try to be someone else more acceptable (and I haven't even learned how to fully be me yet).  If people knew the real me inside, I'm not sure they would be so quick to let me into their world.  So maybe being defined by what I do is for the best.  It can get tiring though, but oh well...

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