Thursday, October 3, 2013

Blog Challenge Day 03: Let Me Clear My Throat

Blog challenge is from Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine
Day 3: What is the greatest amount of physical pain you have ever endured?
I wish I could say it was in doing something noble like giving birth or something daring like wrecking on a Harley, or something heroic like breaking something saving some one's life.  But alas, I have no children, have not yet learned to ride a motorcycle, and have never broken a bone.  Knock wood Thank God. 
Let me give you some friendly advice.  If you are over the age of 10 and need to have your tonsils out, DON'T DO IT MAN!  No, if you're sick enough to need them out, do it.  I was 30 years old and had been teaching preschool for a little over a year.  There's an understanding with every teacher than the first couple of years of teaching, you will catch everything running.  My sweet Thunderbabies were little snot factories of love.  I caught everything, including strep throat.  The problem is that I got over everything else except the strep.  After the third (or was it the fourth?) round, tonsillectomy here I come.
Oh, but you can have all the ice cream you want.  Sure, I had ice cream, pudding, Italian ice, and mashed potatoes...and couldn't eat any of it.  For the first 5 days post-op, my throat was so swollen that I could barely swallow the liquid pain meds.  Actually, I had to chase them with water to be able to swallow them.  For a while it was excruciating to swallow my own saliva and I wore the roof of my mouth raw from spitting so I wouldn't have to swallow. I also couldn't sleep because the swelling caused me to snore.  Every time I heard myself snore, I'd wake up.  Lord help.
After about a week, the only thing I managed to swallow without much pain was Vanilla Coke.  I didn't eat a single solitary piece of food for nine days!   I may have been able to tolerate this easier if I'd been able to stay home and rest, but my surgery was on a Friday.  I had to be back to work on Monday.   
See, now doesn't a story about rescuing a child while in labor and riding a Harley to the hospital with a broken leg sound like a better story? 


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