My Favorite Book
[Blog Challenge: Day 4]
My love of books began before I even attended school. My older siblings read to me when I
was little and I learned to read for myself by the time I was four. The joy of being read aloud to (among other
things) sparked my affinity for audio books, but I really enjoy those papery blog
things you hold in your hand and read with your eyes too. I’ve worn out several cards from my local
library, plus I search for free Kindle books to read with my Kindle app on my
laptop. Yeah, I'm cheap.
Man, this picking one favorite anything is impossible. Two of my favorite things are music and
books. So, in the interest of clarity
and length, I will simply give a list of my favorites in categories.
Of course my favorite book of all time is the King James Version of the
Bible but that’s too easy.
Favorite Fiction Book: Sophie’s
Heart by Lori Wick. Sophie is an
immigrant from the Czech Republic who finds love and acceptance in her new
country, all while holding tightly to her faith in God.
Favorite Biography: I
have two favorites. Unchained by
Mac Gober. Gober is a Vietnam veteran and
former outlaw biker who starts life in a violent home devoid of a real father
figure and ends up starting a ministry (Canaan Land in Autaugaville, Alabama)
to bring the love of the Heavenly Father to the hurting. I met Mr. Gober many years ago and I actually
have an autographed copy of the book. My second favorite biography is American
on Purpose by Craig Ferguson. Ferguson
is a Scottish-born actor, comedian, and the host of The Late Late Show. His road to success and U. S. citizenship was paved with many, MANY
potholes including alcohol and drug addiction, a couple of failed marriages,
and the perils of trying to “hit it big” in show business. I like this book because it’s not “Hollywood”
at all. Both of the authors are very
honest about the good, the bad, and the VERY ugly. They should meet.
Favorite children’s book when I was a kid: Curious George Goes to the Hospital by
H. A. Rey. Curious little monkey,
George, gets ahold of the Man with the Yellow Hat’s jigsaw puzzle, and swallows
a piece. He has to take his first trip
to the hospital to get better. I think I
read this book before I had my second eye surgery.
Favorite Children’s book when I was a teacher: Too Many Frogs by Sandy Asher. Rabbit likes his routine and his house nice
and tidy (OCD anyone?). Frog is his best
friend who doesn’t know when he’s overstayed his welcome (In-laws anyone?) Things come to a
head when frog brings his whole family reunion to Rabbit’s house (they all had
matching T-shirts, so I assume Frog and his family were black J
). I remember one of the last
Christmas presents I ever gave to my students was a CD of me reading this book. It was our absolute favorite.
Favorite nonfiction book:
Anything by Joyce Meyer. OK,
that’s a copout. Enjoying Where You
are on the Way to Where You are Going is one of her best. The book gives a biblical perspective of how
to continue to enjoy life in the midst of hard circumstances. I need to read that one again.
Favorite Classic Novel:
It’s a toss up between Little Women by Louisa May Alcott and A
Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.
Favorite LOL book: Life on the Mississippi by Mark
Twain. I read this book in graduate school. I don’t remember the exact details of the
book, but I do remember that it was a riot.
Another one for my “read again” list.
Best “Fitness” book: Made
to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst. God has
placed within us all a need—something to crave. The author shows us how to satisfy those
cravings with more of God, not more food.
It’s a serious read with bits of humor thrown in.
So, I’m off to read some more papery blog things...
{I'm linking up with So, Funny Story for this 30 Day blog challenge.}
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