Friday, February 16, 2024

First Line Friday #18: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin


Thanks to Carrie at
Reading is My Superpower
for the Link-up

Title: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Author:  Benjamin Franklin
Genre:  Biography

  〰First Line


Dear Son:  I have ever had pleasure in obtaining any little anecdotes of my ancestors.


Synopsis:  (From Goodreads) 

Written initially to guide his son, Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography is a lively, spellbinding account of his unique and eventful life, now a classic of world literature that is sure to inspire and delight readers everywhere.

Few men could compare to Benjamin Franklin. Virtually self-taught, he excelled as an athlete, a man of letters, a printer, a scientist, a wit, an inventor, an editor, and a writer, and he was probably the most successful diplomat in American history. David Hume hailed him as the first great philosopher and great man of letters in the New World.

  〰First Thoughts

Over the years I've heard many influential people recommend this book as they described elements of this elder statesman's multifaceted life.  From Dave Ramsey complimenting Franklin's leadership acumen, to Gretchen Rubin expounding on Franklin's efforts to build virtuous habits, elements of this work come highly recommended.
So, what's the first line of the book you're currently reading?


  1. Happy Friday!
    I'm almost done with Calling on the Matchmaker by Jody Hedlund. I love this book!
    "He didn't know what to say, didn't want to probe, but he also didn't want to ignore her obvious distress. Rather than say the wrong thing, he stood silently and waited."
    Have a great weekend! 😀❤️📚
