Friday, January 27, 2023

First Line Friday #5: Don't Overthink it.

Thanks to Carrie at
Reading is My Superpower
for the Link-up

BookDon't Overthink It
Author:  Anne Bogel
Genre:  Self-Help / Mental Health

 〰First Line

I'm scheduled to depart for Nashville in 27 hours, and I can't stop refreshing the forecast.

Synopsis:  (From Goodreads:

We've all been there: stuck in a cycle of what-ifs, plagued by indecision, paralyzed by the fear of getting it wrong. Nobody wants to live a life of constant overthinking, but it doesn't feel like something we can choose to stop doing. It feels like something we're wired to do, something we just can't escape. But is it?

Anne Bogel's answer is no. Not only can you overcome negative thought patterns that are repetitive, unhealthy, and unhelpful, you can replace them with positive thought patterns that will bring more peace, joy, and love into your life. In Don't Overthink It, you'll find actionable strategies that can make an immediate and lasting difference in how you deal with questions both small--Should I buy these flowers?--and large--What am I doing with my life? More than a book about making good decisions, Don't Overthink It offers you a framework for making choices you'll be comfortable with, using an appropriate amount of energy, freeing you to focus on all the other stuff that matters in life.

 〰First Thoughts
I saw a brief review of this book on Bibliophage Book Bingo and found the subject matter interesting...and applicable.  I'm reading the audio book version, so my first impressions are a bit mixed.  I started listening to the book on Axis 360, where the description lists the author as the narrator.  Sometimes that works; sometimes it doesn't.  In this case, the jury is still out.  Hoopla Digital's listing stated that someone else was narrating their copy, so I tried that version.  To my dismay, the listing is incorrect; Anne Bogel is narrating this version as well.
As I said in one of my reviews, many authors do an excellent job of narrating their own material.  However, some are better writers and speakers than narrators.  To me, this is the case with this volume.  Her dramatic breathy tone mixed with someone in the studio not having the good sense to give the poor lady a glass of water is making the read difficult (but not impossible).  The book is less than five hours long, so I can manage. 
So, what's the first line of the book you're currently reading?


  1. If overthinking was a malady, most of our world be diagnosed with it. The rest, sadly, would be suffering from not thinking at all...

    1. What she is describing is excessive rumination. It is the OCD of thoughts. It is connected to anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders. So, it is a malady for some since it can affect someone's quality of life. I'm not recommending the book, but the concept isn't something she pulled out of thin air. It is a genuine mental disorder.

  2. Always a favorite author, my first line comes from Roseanna White’s latest:
    Yesterday’s Tides
    May 11, 1942 Ocracoke Island, North Carolina
    The first light of sunrise turned the water of Pamlico Sound to gold, the clouds to rose, and the dark to morning, promising Evie Farrow that today would be just like yesterday.

    1. Those opening lines paint a beautiful picture. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Happy Friday!
    I'm currently reading "I'm Not Charlotte Lucas" by Kasey Stockton. It's super cute!
    "I let myself into Vera's room, and my heart constricted."
    I hope you have a good weekend! 😀❤️📚

  4. I've done that first line, lol. I'm currently reading Heroes in the Crossfire novella collection and the novella "Dawn's Hidden Threat" by Elizabeth Goddard. The first line is: Angie Greenwood stared into the killer's eyes." Have a great weekend!

  5. I'm a fan of Anne's podcast What Should I Read Next? where she interviews a guest each week and they talk books from that guest's perspective. It's professionally done and I like her voice in that context. Sorry it's not your fave narration voice. Maybe try her podcast if you're a podcast listener....
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  6. This book has been on my TBR list for a while! Have a great week!
