Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Fresh Powder: The Wednesday Medley

Thanks to Terri from
Your Friend From Florida
for the Medley questions.


In the United States, National Croissant Day is observed each year on January 30th. Croissants are a buttery, crescent-shaped rolls that are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. The key to a perfect croissant is laminating the dough. Laminating the dough is a process by which butter is folded into the mixture creating multiple thin layers of butter and dough. The result is a mouth-watering flaky crust and airy body.

Legend surrounds this pastry, as is often the case with a popular, worldly treat. What is known, is that crescent-shaped breads have been found around the world for ages. One of these was the Kipferl which originated in Austria as far back as the 13th century. This nonlaminated bread is more like a roll. Credit for the croissant we know today is given to an Austrian military officer, August Zang. In 1939 he opened a Viennese bakery in Paris introducing France to Viennese baking techniques.


Stop by the bakery for a fresh, warm croissant or try making your own using this recipe: Croissants recipe.


Well, I do love croissants when they are fresh, but day-old croissants need to be turned into a donut. I happen to really like the croissants that have a donut-like glaze on them! Sugar overload but so good. So... do you like croissants? What is your favorite way to eat them?

I've never eaten a fresh homemade croissant that I know of.  I've only eaten canned "Crescent Rolls" or pastries from the grocery store.  So, unfortunately, I have no opinion on them.  Maybe in the future, I can allow myself the splurge of either buying a fresh croissant or making the recipe Miss Terri provided.

Speaking of food... How do you handle stress?

When things get stormy, I use distraction, sleeping, and sometimes eating to help me feel comfortable and secure, rather than stressed.  I know that the right answer should be that I trust in God, but that is one of my struggles.  I love the Lord, and I’m learning to trust Him more, but old habits die hard.  I’m used to having to take care of things myself, rather than get help.
Out of the negative emotions of greed, anger, jealousy, and hate, which one would you say affects you the most?

Anger.  I'm very hard on myself.  I'm told I also expect too much out of others.  Yeah, wanting people to live up to their word, take responsibility for their actions, and in general, just give a rip is expecting too much from people.  Anyway, I don't easily anger nearly as much as I used to, but I still take many things way too personally and berate myself way too often.

Out of the positive emotions of compassion, positivity, enthusiasm, and initiative, which one is your biggest strength?

Compassion.  Yes, I know it seems to contradict what I just wrote.  Expecting common decency from people doesn't mean I'm not compassionate.  God has given me His heart of compassion, especially for those who have no voice (the unborn, children in need of adoption, the elderly, etc.).  Without love and compassion, none of the other virtues matter.

What do you get every time you go grocery shopping, other than the staples such as bread, milk, butter, flour, sugar...

Spinach.  At least three times a week I drink smoothies that include a handful of spinach.  Also, spinach is my salad base and part of my omelets.

Please tell us something random about your week so far.

This is my second winter in Colorado, but the snow is still novel to me.  In trying to find beauty in my surroundings (and thus some artistic inspiration), I took this shot behind our offices at work Monday.  In the midst of busy city commerce and academic administration is this quiet serenity.  The snow on the ground hadn't yet been disturbed and the trees were still flocked with the day's powder.


  1. I love snow! We have not had much where I live this winter. It makes me a little sad. We got a little bit last night, but not even enough to cover the ground. It is super cold though. Loved your answers! Have a great day!

  2. That's a very pretty scene. But here in NW Wisconsin, snow is not a novelty and we're tending to dream of flower gardens about this time (when it's -30F). I enjoyed reading your post. I need to buy more spinach. But not for a smoothie. :-)

    1. Thanks. Snow isn't a novelty in Colorado, but for a native Southerner, it is a novelty to me. I'm sure I'll be longing for spring flower gardens soon. :)

  3. The snow pic is pretty... but.... winter is just not my favorite... bring on Summer.. its too cold here in MI! Have a great day!

    1. Winter isn't my favorite season either, but I'm working to find beauty in it, rather than dread it. Helps my psyche.

  4. I'm terribly guilty of sleeping when stressed. So even if it is 8 pm, I will fall asleep to avoid.

    1. For me, the stress can be so overwhelming that it exhausts me.
