Friday, January 5, 2018

Five Minute Friday: "Motivate."

"People often say motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing--that's why we recommend it daily." - Zig Ziglar

Ever since I started seriously working on my total health nine years ago.  I've tried to find ways to stay motivated.  As I discussed here, it takes more than motivation to persevere through the ups and downs of getting truly healthy.

It also takes group effort to stay motivated.  The bad thing is, because I'm in a big city, isolation is easier.  The good thing is, because I'm in a big city, finding community is easier.  The choice is mine.

I am motivated and inspired by success stories.  However, I'm not motivated by successes who wag their fingers in derision at those not "there" yet.  I'm also not motivated by those who tell people what to do, but have no personal experience with the struggle since they've never had to do it themselves.

Being genuine is a motivator; being a horse's rear end disingenuous makes me want to flee for the hills.

Prompts provided by Mrs. Kate over at Five Minute Friday.


  1. It's the weirdest thing - when I click on the link "here" above, it takes me to my gmail/blogger page...? I'd like to read your discussion on getting healthy...

  2. Oh Shannon I jut enjoyed your post so very much! I love what you said here:
    "It also takes group effort to stay motivated. The bad thing is, because I'm in a big city, isolation is easier. The good thing is, because I'm in a big city, finding community is easier. The choice is mine."

    It is funny how really we can impact so much by our outlook and our motivation. We sometimes need to pull that motivation straight from our perspective, and your's is great! Thanks for sharing your encouragement and post today!

    I'm visiting from FMF at #68.

    Happy New Year!

    1. You're very welcome. Thank you for reading. Stop by anytime.
