Friday, April 8, 2016

Five Minute Friday: "Whole" [Lose Your Quit Quest 08]

Our Mistress of Ceremonies for the Five Minute Friday is Kate over at Heading Home.  Hope you link up with us and join the fun.


Step 8:  Create a Vision

My vision for the quest is wholeness and health.  Wholeness of body, mind, and spirit. 

Wholeness of mind - being free from debilitating depression and using coping skills that don't involve food when wrong thinking tries to creep in.

Wholeness of spirit - my spirit was completely transformed when Christ entered my life.  This world has a way of wounding the very core of a person.  I must stay spiritually strong by sticking close to my Savior.

Wholeness of body - happens when the first two are working.  A whole body isn't necessarily a skinny body, but a healthy, strong, beautiful one.

My mentor and I discussed this particular step today.  I need to have a realistic vision.  The superficiality of Hollywood is not my standard.  The standard is wholeness of the total package.


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