Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Cheesy Accesories: The Weekly Hodgepodge

Want to join the party?  Skate on over to From This Side of the Pond  for the Hodgepodge link-up!

Speaking of skating...when did you last 'skate on thin ice', 'skate over the details', 'encounter a cheapskate', or just plain skate?
Not any of these phrases conjure up anything...well except cheapskate, but that's me. **grin**  However, I used to love to roller skate, but haven't done it in more than 20 years.  I wish I could tag along with a family and go skating again.
What would you say is the biggest problem of people your age?
Poor health.  It seems that people are experiencing the ailments of old age younger and younger.  I'm in my early 40's and there are people having heart attacks and strokes in their 40's and 50's.  The prevalence of type II diabetes is frightening.  Our parents are outliving us and that's not how it should be.
What's your favorite accessory? Is it something you wear every day, often, or only on special occasions?
Earrings.  Specifically, my butterfly earrings. 
January 20th is National Cheese Lover's Day. Are you a lover of cheese? What's your favorite dish made with cheese? Last thing you ate that contained some kind of cheese?
As a native Southerner, you know my favorite cheese dish has to be Macaroni and Cheese.  Today, I ate some string cheese as a snack.
What's something guaranteed to make you roll your eyes?
Childishness and stupidity.
Your favorite book series?
Jan Karon's At Home In Mitford series.  Lori Wick's Yellow Rose Trilogy runs a close second.
Why did you choose your profession?
It actually chose me.  I laugh because every job I've had since college has had nothing to do with my degrees.  I went to school to become a journalist, but I've worked as a preschool teacher, an administrative assistant, a diagnostic technician at the cable company, and the Easter Bunny at the Quintard Mall.  Yeah, that has Pulitzer Prize written all over it. 
Insert your own random thought here.

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