Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Auntie's Full Shelf Challenge 02

BookThe Art of Prayer.

Author: Kenneth E. Hagin

Info: Copyright 1992 by RHEMA Bible Church

Where acquired: Part of correspondence course curriculum.

Why:  Although this is part of a curriculum, any books that help improve my prayer life are much appreciated. 

Rating (on a scale of 1-4 hashtags):  # # # 

What it's about:  Hagin looks at the various types of prayer and the rules that govern them. 

Favorite Quotes

"It seems God is limited by our prayer life–that He can do nothing for humanity unless someone asks Him." - John Westley - p. 1

"...all they taught in  Pentecostal circles in those days was how to get saved and baptized with the Holy Ghost.  Then they turned you loose.  We just had to stumble upon anything beyond that." - p. 120

"When we take our places in prayer for each other, we are helping the entire body come into maturity." - p. 136

"When people are babies spiritually, somebody has to carry them.  Somebody has to feed them.  Somebody has to care for them.  This is one place where prayer comes in.  Older believers need to hold them up in prayer as they are learning to walk." - p. 140

What I Liked:
  • This book was a pretty good introduction into various types of biblical prayer.  It didn't answer all of my questions, but made me want to know more.
  • It is always enjoyable to read an author who personally experiences the lessons he is teaching rather than mere theorizing.  It's not enough to just tell me it works; let me see it.
  • The book had short chapters that were easy to read.
  • Hagin was very encouraging; the book made me want to pray even more.
What I didn’t like: 
  • Some of the chapters, though short, were very disjointed.  I had a few "do what?" moments reading this.  Some passages seemed to be headed right to the heart of the teaching, then either abruptly ended or took a rabbit trail unrelated to the lesson without ever getting back on the path.
  • The author occasionally assumes his experiences to be law--the way everyone should do it.  Scripture doesn't always back up his claims.  He's not being false, but a tad bit presumptuous at times.
  • Some of the scriptural passages presented as examples of the lesson made absolutely no sense.  This may be an editor's error, not necessarily the author.  There are also typographical errors.
To sum up

Prayer does not change God; He is always the same.  Prayer changes people and circumstances.  We need only to ask.

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