Thursday, December 18, 2014

40 Days of Gratitude: Day 27

In looking through some old photos today, I find myself grateful for such wonderful memories.

This picture of Mr. Eddie West, God rest his soul, brings back my early days as a musician.  Mr. Eddie taught me to play on that very bass guitar.  I'll tell you that story sometime.  We named it "Big Woody"--the heaviest bass I've ever seen.  It was like an oak tree with strings, but I built my chops (and back muscles) on that beast. 
1990:  My first (and so far only) trip to the gulf.  The Marching Southerners did an exhibition show in Fort Walton Beach, Florida.  The trip was a whirlwind, but it was beautiful.

My Dad,  ML Maddox.  A good memory if him at Christmas time when we lived in Piedmont.

One of the first--if not THE first afghan I ever crocheted.
2006:  My sister Ida's wedding.  One of the best family celebrations we've ever had.  Plus, I still brag on the fact that Ida made her own wedding dress.
Great memory from my teaching days.  Love my Thunderbabies!

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