Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Meltdown Challenge: Day 23

Had a great time at the Anniston Runner's Club "Tidbit Workshop."  The workshop's tidbits included brief sessions on running form, nutrition, cross training, and stretching. 

I found out a lot of things I thought I was doing wrong were actually correct.  My running form of small, quick (for me) strides and refusing to do "windshield wiper" arms is actually correct.  The fact that running/walking is not the only workout I do is actually good for me.  I've often said my biking helped my running, and vice versa.  I've just got to build my stamina back up; I'm still breathing like a chain smoker.

I really couldn't get into the nutrition section.  The information was for runners who are already fit, which is 99.99% of everyone in the room (meaning, I was the only lard butt in the room).  The speaker opened the floor for questions, but I wasn't going to waste everyone's time with questions that only related to me; the workshop was for everyone, not just me.  I did, however, find out that for my fitness level and output, I'm drinking way too much Gatorade, especially for the amount of sugar that's in it.

I'm still working on not feeling out of place at these gatherings.  For the record, no one is making me feel out of place but me.  I look at all the fit bodies and hear the conversations about people placing in their age group of various races, or comparing nutritional gels (?) and the latest running shoe, and I wonder what am I doing here?  Then I remember the goal is to become one of these people, not start out as one already.

After this challenge, I plan to train hard this winter to be ready for the spring running season.  It's on!

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