Sunday, May 4, 2014

In"Spired" [30 Day Photo Blog]

Today's early church service honored our senior saints by featuring our "Sweet Spirit Singers" senior adult choir.  They did a great job.  The second service honored our young people by having our youth vocal ensemble lead worship.  Sorry I don't have a picture of the youth; I was playing bass guitar at the time.
If you've listened to my testimony, you heard that there was a period of time during my college days that I'd stopped going to church and had totally given up on God.  I had several classes at Rowe Hall at JSU.  Every time I walked to and from that building, I would see this church spire peeking up through the trees.  This wasn't even the spire of my home church (it was across town), but somehow God used it to speak to me.  I felt like He was telling me, "Just because you've given up on me doesn't mean I've given up on you."  After three years of God continuing to show me His love despite my rebellion, I went back to church and got back on speaking terms with the Lord.  I had no idea that more than 20 years later, that same spire would bring me to Celebrate Recovery and a wonderful new church family.  God's love is timeless.

After both church services, a nap, and praise team practice, I took a leisurely 1-mile stroll on the Ladiga Trail.

I started at the train depot today and headed south.  And yes, I AM going to sign the guest book every time I stop to go potty.  What?

Yes, that is a police car on the trail.  Somebody must have been acting a fool.  #SomePeoplesChildren   I actually saw two cop cars.  Sorry I couldn't get a better picture, but it was such a shock to be passed by something other than a runner or a bicycle.  Thanks JPD.  I actually felt better about being on the trail

Sunset through the gazebo by one of the flower gardens.  Another beautiful stopping place along the trail and a perfect end to a beautiful day.

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