Sunday, October 13, 2013

Blog Challenge Day 13: Weakness for Squirrels

Blog challenge is from Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine

Day 13: Describe 5 weaknesses you have.
  • I care too much about what other people think.  I think maybe the people who told me that I was awfully arrogant to think that anyone is thinking of me at all are correct.
  • I let fear hold me back and stifle my creativity.  Some of my fears come from the weakness I just listed.  Some are just plain stupid.
  • I am easily distracted.  Is that a SQUIRREL!
  • Of course my addictive personality is a HUGE weakness.
  • I get depressed too often and too easily.  I know there's been a post passed around on Facebook and Twitter that stuff like that isn't a sign of weakness (it's mental illness week every week according to the internet), but it doesn't make me feel better.  For me, it is a sign of weakness and makes me a terrible representation of a Christian as well as a terrible human being.


1 comment:

  1. Having a weakness does NOT make you a bad Christian!!!! PLEASE don't even think that!!! You have a thorn in your side, like St. Paul. In following Christ, many of us just crawl because that's all we can do. I understand about worry over others' thoughts AND about fears, which I wonder have almost controlled my life. You are an inspiration in perseverence!!! I care DEEPLY about you, more than you can know!!!
