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It's Thanksgiving week in the US of A so let's talk turkey. And by turkey I mean the elephant in the room because it's still 2020 and our blogs are a record of sorts of the times in which we live. Do you live in a state (or if you're outside the US, a country) that's instituted restrictions on the size of gatherings in your own home? What do we think about this? (keep it classy folks)
In Colorado, the rule is "personal gatherings limited to ten people, no more than two households." I hope I'm wrong, but I seriously doubt Governor Polis is following those rules himself. As we have seen with the governor of California and other public officials and well-to-do folks, they are great about giving speeches and mandates about what we who they consider beneath them should or shouldn't do, while doing exactly what they want to do. I even temporarily unfollowed someone on social media I really admire and respect because while she was telling us we need to stay inside and wear our masks and blah, blah, blah, she's posting photos of her trips and gatherings to see family and friends. As hypocritical a move as I've ever seen. I got so frustrated with it that I posted this on social media:
I think the whole thing is ridiculous. We've been asked for months to isolate. Can we not be given the holidays as a concession? I believe these restrictions are going to do nothing for reducing the virus, but increasing mental health issues and suicide. The holidays are the absolute worst time to be isolated. Sorry, folks, but "safety" is not always synonymous with "health."
Let's move in a cheerier direction. Will there be corn on your holiday dinner menu? How so? Cornbread-corn pudding-corn chips and dip-cornbread dressing/stuffing-corn chowder-or regular canned, frozen or fresh corn in a bowl...which of the 'corns’ listed is your favorite?
Since I'm eating with friends (within the rules of course 😷 ), I have no idea what we're eating. I don't even care, so long as I'm not alone. Out of the list, cornbread dressing is my favorite.
What is there a cornucopia of in your home, job, or life currently? Sadness and depression. Hey, you asked.
Have you ever quit something (such as a habit, a food, a time-sucker, a relationship) cold turkey? Is there something you need to quit cold turkey?
Not that I can think of. I wish I had that kind of determination. I need outer accountability to succeed at establishing or ceasing a habit. I wrote about my disdain for being so weak here.
Insert your own random thought here.
In case you're interested:
* My latest Auntie's Workshop post is here.