Monday, December 31, 2018

One Word: Upgrade: The Simple Woman's Daybook [40 Days of Throwback Thanks] [My Mythical Year]

If you would like to join in and post your own Daybook, please head on over to visit Peggy at The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today:  Monday,  December 31, 2018

Outside my window  

Colorado is closing out 2018 with several inches of snow. 

I am thinking... 
I saw this sign in a store and it gave me pause.  While I get what the sign was trying to say, the sentiment is not necessarily true.  Now, I'm all about gratitude. But you have to remember, I'm coming from the perspective of someone who came into town with absolutely nothing but a few clothes, some books and knick-knacks, a bass guitar, and a bicycle all crammed inside a dying '96 Honda Accord.  I was starting from scratch, so while being thankful is very important, gratitude will not make "enough" out of what is obviously not adequate. 
Periodically, I will chose a word that reflect the stage of life I'm in.  In 2014 it was "metamorphosis."  In 2016, "community" was my one word.  While both are still in progress, it's time for a new word.  My one word for this stage of my life is "upgrade."
The verb upgrade means "to raise (something) to a higher standard, in particular improve (equipment or machinery) by adding or replacing components."  Granted, this isn't the kind of upgrade akin to a wife who was perfectly satisfied with a smaller diamond in her wedding ring but now pouts for an "upgrade."  No, there are still parts of my life that are substandard and in desperate need of upgrading. 
This will not be an exercise in ostentation or bad decisions.  Quite the contrary.  Much of these upgrades will be an increase in what I've already been doing.  This is going to take a lot of hard work, but it will be worth it.
I am thankful...

See my post here for more information on My Mythical Year. 

40 Days of Throwback Thanks

Day 38-40
  • I'm thankful for the beautiful snowy weather and that I don't have to be out in it.
  • I'm thankful that my weight loss journey is still on the upswing.  As many of you know, I made it into "one"derland earlier this year.  It's been a struggle, but I have managed to maintain that loss.  Hopefully 2019 will see me get to my goal weight.
  • I'm thankful to have finished my reading goal of 40 books for the year.  The task was made difficult because I lost my reading mojo a few times over the year; I didn't finish any books in June or August, plus there were a couple of months where I only finished one book.  I was down to the wire, but I finished my 40th book tonight.  I'm going for another 40 in 2019.
  • I'm most thankful for so much growth in my life.  Not simply increased health and mental stamina, but growth in my relationship with Christ.

My final throwback thanks for the year goes to Rhett and Link.  Their show and wonderful book got this whole throwback thanks started.  Yeah, I know that  #MyMythicalYear is only half over, but what an interesting six months it's been.  Their friendship, honesty, and willingness to do crazy, entertaining stunts has been an inspiration to me and has given me more enjoyment in my life.  Thanks, y'all.

From the Workshop... Still working on unfinished projects, formulating edits to the website, and developing new projects for the year.  Remember, y'all are still invited to get involved in the "Auntie's Baby Shower in a Bag" project.

From Auntie's Test Kitchen:  I've finished another letter in my A-Z Challenge.  More on that to come in a separate post.
I am reading...
  • Waiting for the Word by Malcolm Guite.
Books I've finished since my last Daybook:
  • The Quiet Little Woman by Louisa May Alcott.
  • The Matchmakers by Janette Oke.  I commented on it here.
  • Welcome to the Family by Kenneth Hagin Sr.  Please see my review here.
  • The Greatest Thing in the World and Other Addresses by Henry Drummond.
And a couple for the DNF (did not finish) pile:
  • Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison.
  • Cricket on the Hearth and Other Christmas Stories by Charles Dickens.  I commented on it here.

Favorite quote(s) of the week
"Salvation is not an 'it;' it's a 'Who.'"- Joseph Prince

"Sounds like a pig choking on pork." - Charles "Link" Neal.  Good Mythical Morning, episode 374.

"No form of vice, not worldliness, not greed of gold, not drunkenness itself, does more to un-Christianize society than evil temper. For embittering life, for breaking up communities, for destroying the most sacred relationships, for devastating homes, for withering up men and women, for taking the bloom of childhood, in short, for sheer gratuitous misery-producing power this influence stands alone." - Henry Drummond, The Greatest Thing in the World and Other Addresses, Location 171 in the Kindle edition.

"If you want to develop robust faith, then continually tell what the Lord is doing for you.  The more you talk about it, the more real He becomes to you.  The less you talk about it it, the less real He will be to you." - Kenneth Hagin Sr.  Welcome to the Family,  p. 101.

Weatherman: " The dusting of snow here in Denver is no big deal."
Me: " Are you crazy?! I'm almost out of milk!"  - Auntie's Musings

I am looking forward to... 
  • All that 2019 has to offer.
  • Getting back to work on January 7th.
  • Exploring the recreation centers and parks here in Lakewood.
  • Formulating my goals for the year and discovering strategies for accomplishing them.

And Now For Something Totally Different:



Sunday, December 30, 2018

Book Trek 2018 - 15

Book:  Welcome to the Family:  A Fundamental Guide for Spirit-Filled Living. 

Author:  Kenneth E. Hagin (Kenneth Hagin, Sr.)

Info:  Copyright 1997.  Tulsa OK:  Rhema Bible Church

Rating (on a scale of 1-4 stars):  ✮✮✮✮ 

Where Acquired:  Part of the Bible Correspondence Course curriculum.

What it's about In this guide for the new Christian, Hagin introduces the reader to some fundamental concepts of faith-filled living.  Writing from the Pentecostal perspective, the author uses Scripture and practical examples to show the reader how to experience growth in his walk with Christ.

Favorite Quotes:

The New Birth is not: confirmation; church membership; water baptism; the taking of sacraments; observing religious duties; an intellectual reception of Christianity; orthodoxy of faith; going to church; saying prayers; reading the Bible; being moral; being cultured or refined; doing good deeds; doing your best or doing any of the many other things in which some people are trusting to save them. - p. 2

Faith is always expressed in words.  Faith must be released in words through your mouth. - p. 98

If you want to develop robust faith, then continually tell what the Lord is doing for you.  The more you talk about it, the more real He becomes to you.  The less you talk about it it, the less real He will be to you. - p. 101

When the word gains entrance into your heart–into your spirit–faith will be there automatically. You won’t have to seek; you won’t have to search. There will be no effort on your part. Faith will come unconsciously into your spirit as you feed upon and accept His words. - p. 136.

What I liked:
  • Unlike some of Hagin's other books I've read, he makes it clear that living the Christian walk is a growing process. He offers his own life as an example, but informs the reader that his experience is over several decades of continued practice.
  • The tone of the book was not only informative, but encouraging as well.
  • The author uses a lot more Scripture as evidence, rather than relying on his own experience as the primary example.
  • The advice in the book was on the practical side, rather than something ethereal that one cannot obtain.

What I didn't like:
  • The text did get repetitive in some sections.
  • There was a lack of needed citations for some of the information provided in the text.
  • The only major criticism of this volume is that without meaning to, Hagin implies that a person who does not experience the phenomenon of speaking in tongues is not saved (born again).  He doesn't do a thorough job of differentiating between the rebirth of the human spirit by the infilling of the Spirit of Christ at salvation (II Corinthians 5:17), and the baptism (overflowing) of the Spirit (Acts 19:2-6).  This could be very confusing for a new believer and cause doubt where none is needed.


Though I am not new to Christianity, I was quite encouraged by this book.  Hagin's words reminded me of areas where I'd grown a little lax.  Even if one does not subscribe to the Pentecostal elements contained in the volume, I would still recommend it to a new Christian interested in growing in faith.

Friday, December 28, 2018

40 Days of Throwback Thanks: Days 35-37 [My Mythical Year]

See my post here for more information on My Mythical Year.

40 Days of Throwback Thanks

Days 35-38
  • I'm thankful that my cold is nearly gone.  Well, the cold didn't last long, but the laryngitis hung on for days.
  • I'm thankful for an inexpensive antenna.  Someone gave me a small TV they didn't want.  No, there's still not much on to watch, but I can catch local weather and see my favorite ministers on Christian television.  Here's the kicker, the one set of stations I really wanted to watch will not scan in.  I cannot get any of the PBS or PBS/Create channels.  That's just wrong.
  • I'm thankful that the snow we had didn't affect road conditions in Lakewood.  I was able to get out and go grocery shopping without any problems. #ImStillSouthern
  • I'm thankful that I'm almost to my goal of reading 40 books this year.  As of this writing, I'm up to 38.
  • I'm grateful for the chance to have a friend over for coffee.  I've not had much company at Casa de Tia (Auntie's house).  I hope that will change in the new year.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

40 Days of Throwback Thanks: Day 34 [My Mythical Year]

See my post here for more information on My Mythical Year.

40 Days of Throwback Thanks

Day 34

One of the many great things that came out of attending the ladies' Christmas party at Table Mountain Baptist Church was meeting Diana, the First Lady---what other people call the Pastor's wife.  After the party, I accepted her gracious invitation to Christmas dinner.

We hit it off immediately.  It didn't hurt that she's from Texas and her husband, Randy, is from Oklahoma.  BTW--for us Alabama fans, I did offer my sincere condolences to Randy on Oklahoma's upcoming loss this weekend.  Come to find out, he went to Oklahoma State, not University of Oklahoma, so he wants OU to lose as badly as we do. #RollTide


They were very welcoming and fun to spend time with.  Dinner was great, and, of course, the conversation was lively.  Our Southern / Southwestern upbringings gave us much common ground on which to begin a friendship.  It didn't matter to them that I wasn't one of their parishioners; their offer of fellowship was genuine.  I'm not just thankful to have not spent Christmas alone, but thankful for such lovely people which whom to have spent the holiday.

Monday, December 24, 2018

40 Days of Throwback Thanks: Day 33 [My Mythical Year]

See my post here for more information on My Mythical Year.

40 Days of Throwback Thanks

Day 33

Last Christmas Eve, I was experiencing my first big Colorado snow and didn't make it to our Carols and Candlelight service.  As much as I like the idea of a white Christmas, I wanted to make it to service.  Blessedly, both Lakewood and Aurora had good weather.

In case you didn't watch the video from Jerry Jenkins I shared earlier, one of the questions he asks the audience is whether the Gospel message still moved them.  At the time, my truthful answer was "yes and no."  Yes, because I'm always thankful for Christ's life and sacrifice.  No, because sometimes I still allow life's circumstances to harden my heart.  Life is looking up for me, but some things are still very hard.  Plus, sometimes I get caught in the frustrating trap of trying to live out New Testament Christianity under Old Testament rules. 

The service tonight was a glorious shift in perspective.

This is the first Christmas service in years where I had no responsibilities; I wasn't on the worship team, in the choir, playing handbells, or reciting lines from a play.  I was in the congregation enjoying the festivities.  The beauty of the carols, the lighting of the Christ candle on the Advent wreath, the special song with the kids in the congregation singing while jangling their parent's keys as jingle bells--it was all so pleasantly overwhelming that I couldn't hold my emotions in check anymore.  By the time we lit our candles and started singing Silent Night, all I could do was cry.

So, does the Gospel still move me?  Thankfully, YES!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Baby, It's Tepid Outside: The Simple Woman's Daybook [40 Days of Throwback Thanks] [My Mythical Year]

If you would like to join in and post your own Daybook, please head on over to visit Peggy at The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today:  Sunday, December 23, 2018

Outside my window  

Though the days are now on the upswing in length, the weather is gearing up for snow.  I'm not sure if we'll get a white Christmas like last year, but there is frozen precipitation in the forecast this week.

I am thankful...

See my post here for more information on My Mythical Year.

40 Days of Throwback Thanks

Day 29-32

Today's throwback thanks goes to all of my Thunderbabies.  One of my favorite jobs was my decade-long stint teaching preschool and working in the Aftercare program at Jacksonville (AL) Christian Academy.  Some people thought that my having no children of my own was a sad thing.  However, it made me able to put more into these babies and enjoy it much more.  This season always brings to mind our annual class Christmas party.  Those parties were my opportunity to spoil the kids rotten.  We'd play, eat, and laugh all day.

My time at JCA reminds me of a passage of Scripture in Isaiah 54.  Verse one says, "Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the Lord."  God gave me so many children to love.  I thank my Thunderbabies for letting me love them and for loving me back.

From the Workshop...

I'm working on some unfinished projects and formulating some new ones for the upcoming year.  It's not too late to get involved in "Auntie's Baby Shower in a Bag" that benefits local pro-life crisis pregnancy centers.

From Auntie's Test Kitchen

Because of several holiday gatherings at work, I broke out a couple of my tried and true baking recipes.  They turned out well, but I'm still not sure if I'm being hypocritical by baking sweets for others when I really don't need them myself.  Oh well, it's over now.  I'm looking forward to new recipe experiments in the coming year.

I am reading... 
  • Waiting for the Word by Malcolm Guite.
  • Welcome to God's Family by Kenneth Hagin Sr. 
  • Cricket on the Hearth and Other Christmas Stories by Charles Dickens.

Books I've finished since my last Daybook:
  • A Texas Sky by Lori Wick.
  • City Girl by Lori Wick.
  • Shepherd's Abiding by Jan Karon.
  • The Quiet Little Woman by Louisa May Alcott
I am learning...
  • ... I'm horrible at putting a duvet in the cover.  I'm used to comforters, so I'm new to the whole duvet thing.  It's like wrestling a toddler into a pair of dress shoes.  There must be some trick to it.  If anyone knows, can you share it with me?
  • ...I don't hate window shopping.  For as long as I can remember, I've always claimed to hate window shopping.  Shopping without money seemed so stressful, counterproductive, and depressing to me.  Recently, I was shopping with a friend and figured out what the problem was.  It's not window shopping I don't like; it's hopeless window shopping.  Looking in stores and dreaming about making purchases and creating beauty in my life isn't a hopeless task like it was when I was younger...and poorer. 
Favorite quote(s) of the week

"I just want to say this about Jesus to somebody this morning. There is no end to His goodness. No bottom to the well. You can't wear Him out. He's not running low. He's not in a bad mood because it's you again. 'For from His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.' Jn1:16" - Beth Moore via Twitter

On charcoal grilling: "I'm getting heat flashes just thinking about it. I'm like a woman going through menopause. That's how manly I am right now" ~ Charles "Link" Neal, Good Mythical Morning, episode 158.

"Laughter is like farting out of your mouth." - Charles "Link" Neal, 2013
From Auntie's Musings: 
Dear Denver Broncos,

If you want me to become a fan, there are three things you must do.

1. Play the game better than you fistfight with the Raiders (and everybody else).
2. Change your team colors; you look too much like Auburn University. #ick
3. Have at least as good a record as the University of Alabama. #RollTide A 6-8 win/loss record ain't gonna cut it....

Love, Auntie
I am looking forward to... 
  • My Christmas Staycation.  I'm off for the next two weeks.  I hope to spend the time tying up loose ends and thoroughly enjoying myself.
  •  Our Carols and Candlelight service on Christmas Eve.  I missed last year's due to weather.
  • Setting goals for 2019. 
  • Feeling better.  I've been sick for several days.  I thought it was just from the dry air (I've still not found an affordable humidifier), but it's turned into a full-fledged bad cold.

And Now For Something Totally Different:



Wednesday, December 19, 2018

40 Days of Throwback Thanks: Day 28 [My Mythical Year]

See my post here for more information on My Mythical Year.

40 Days of Throwback Thanks

Day 28

Today marked our annual team Christmas party.  It started off with me being thankful that what I said I'd bring wasn't important to party because I completely forgot that I was supposed to bring drinks.

Hey, I told y'all that my roots are blond.


Part of the festivities included a gift exchange.  This year's gifts ranged from the practical to the unusual, yet all were meaningful.  The most unusual gift was this:

Of course, it came without the glasses and we had to guess what it was.  This is the coolest eyeglass holder I've ever seen. 

The most meaningful gift I received was an NIV devotional Bible for single women.  No, it's not a dating book disguised as a Bible.  It's a devotional designed to encourage women who are single.  I'm looking forward to using the devotional in the coming year.

Another touching gift was a beaded snowflake made in Uganda.  It comes with a card explaining how the purchase of the item helps a Ugandan woman build her own house and gain independence and dignity.  Now, you KNOW that means the world to me.

I worried so much about the gifts I was presenting to my co-workers.  I'd created handmade ornaments and cards.  It can be a real crap shoot to give handmade items.  The team is wonderful, but I've previously dealt with people who think handmade items are cheap and lazy gifts (obviously they've don't know the effort that goes into art).  I second-guessed myself up until the party and started not to give them at all.  However, I went through with it and am thankful that I did.  Everyone enjoyed their gifts.  This was the favorite:

So much to be thankful for today.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

40 Days of Throwback Thanks: Day 24 [My Mythical Year]

See my post here for more information on My Mythical Year.

40 Days of Throwback Thanks

Day 24

One thing I miss about being home is all the fun Christmas parties I would attend.  Some of my best Christmas memories revolve around food, prayer, laughter, and crazy games of dirty Santa/white elephant.  So, I was gratefully surprised when a friend from work invited me to a Christmas party at her church in Golden.

Usually new situations like this would have my nerves all torn up.  However, for some reason, peace and a sense of nonchalance prevailed.  Entering the small fellowship hall of Table Mountain Baptist Church brought on fond feelings of joy and nostalgia.  The group of ladies were so welcoming and we hit it off immediately.  From the games to the sharing time, this fun fellowship left me with a thankful smile for days.

Sorry I still have no pictures; I'm still learning how to use my new phone.

Friday, December 14, 2018

40 Days of Throwback Thanks: Day 23 [My Mythical Year] [101 in 1001 v.2]

See my post here for more information on My Mythical Year.

40 Days of Throwback Thanks

Day 23

The thankful theme for today is surprises.  CCU had their Strategic Priorities Workshop--a campus-wide meeting we have several times each regular semester.  This month, our speaker was Jerry B. Jenkins.  Yes, the very Jerry B. Jenkins who co-wrote the Left Behind series (none of which, sad to say, I have read--maybe next year).  Sorry, but just because the guy is a famous author doesn't mean he can speak well.  So, I prepared for the worst.  His speech was phenomenal.

Speech starts around the 41:00 mark.
The next surprise occurred after Mr. Jenkins' speech.  The original agenda called for us to immediately go to another part of campus for a Christmas luncheon (we did that last year).  Nope, we were all surprised with a little bonus money and the rest of the day off.  Hot diggidy!
Today, I'm also thankful for a new working cell phone.  My old phone has been on death's door for quite some time, but I kept trying to make it work.  I finally bit the bullet today and went to the T-Mobile store and purchased a replacement.  The transition wasn't as difficult as I thought I would be (the price was).  None of the buttons, input jacks and icons are in the same place, but I think I can adapt.  Quite frankly, I wish I'd done this sooner.  Now, maybe my posts will start having some pictures.
And speaking of phones...
Today's throwback thanks go to my niece, Cassandra.  She was the one who forced my hand concerning a smartphone.  For years, I had a flip phone (what I called my Verizon Ghetto Phone) and didn't think I needed a contraption that did more than make phone calls.  However, I was wrong.  All the things I needed--communication, GPS, music, etc.--were in one device instead of a bag full of electronic gadgets.  Thanks to my girl for pulling me out of my "old fart" mentality and helping me to step into the 21st century.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

40 Days of Throwback Thanks: Day 22 [My Mythical Year]

See my post here for more information on My Mythical Year.

40 Days of Throwback Thanks

Day 22

Another day of small things meaning a lot.  Several months ago, I noticed something funky going on with my windshield.  When the sun hit it just right, I could barely see through the pock marks and striations in the glass.  I have no idea how it happened.  Could have been hail.  Could have been a gravel truck slinging rock.  It didn't happen while I was driving and probably wasn't a one-time occurrence. 

I knew it needed replacing, but I feared the expense of it.  Years ago, replacing the passenger side window on my Buick cost more than $300; I cringed at the possible expense of replacing a windshield.  Although I didn't think this was the kind of repair for which Good Neighbor Garage (GNG) offered assistance.  I called them anyway.  I figured they could at least point me toward someone trustworthy and reasonable.  Not only did they find someone reliable and reasonable with access to salvage car parts, but the person they recommended came to my job and replaced the glass in less than 30 minutes.  With GNG assistance, the repair only cost me $75.  Again, God provides.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Upcoming Up & Coming: The Simple Woman's Daybook [40 Days of Throwback Thanks] [My Mythical Year]

If you would like to join in and post your own Daybook, please head on over to visit Peggy at The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today:  Wednesday,  December 12, 2018

Outside my window   Weather here in the Denver area has been rather mild, with just a few cold days thrown in.  But...

I am thinking... 
  • about Christmas.
  • about how to step up my fitness and further improve my diet.
  • about setting goals for 2019.
  • about what I want on my reading list for the next year.
  • about strategies for establishing friendships and community in the next year.

I am thankful.  
See my post here for more information on My Mythical Year.

40 Days of Throwback Thanks

Days 16-21

You know, every day I'm thankful.  It's just that some days I don't get to write things down.  We've been in the midst of several large projects at work, so I've come home exhausted and not interested in looking at another computer screen.  Those projects are winding down, so I'll try to give you the highlights.
  • My co-worker, Amy, had her baby girl safe and sound.  Baby Eleanor was born December 6.
  • We have a new team member in our department.  He seems to be fitting in just fine.
  • As you will see in the "I am reading section,"  my reading mojo is back.  My reading goal this year was to read 40 books.  So far, I've finished 33.  I don't know if I'll hit my goal, but I'm thankful to have returned to consistent reading.
  • Both of my large projects at work are nearly over.  I hope to be done with both of them before we leave for Christmas break.
  • I've had some more Christmas finds.  During my preschool teacher years, we had ornaments on our tree that looked like mirror balls that I really liked.  I wanted some for my tree, but couldn't find any...until I went to Hobby Lobby.  I was looking for something else but found the exact ornaments I was looking for, and they were on sale to boot.  Also added to my Christmas decorations is a new Nativity set (also on sale).  Sure, I'm starting from scratch, but the finds have been fun.  
  • I'm thankful that I now have a name for my podcast.  My goal is to premier it in January.
From the Workshop...

My newest Christmas card.
I'm breaking out this wonderful pattern again.

From Auntie's Test Kitchen:  I'm trying to decide if I want to experiment with holiday food.  It would be fun, but I won't have anyone to help eat all of it.
I am reading...
  • Waiting for the Word by Malcolm Guite.
  • A Texas Sky by Lori Wick
  • Welcome to God's Family by Kenneth Hagin Sr.
Books I've finished since my last Daybook:
  • How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.
  • Knowing God Intimately by Joyce Meyer.
  • Every Little Thing About You by Lori Wick.
  • The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis.
  • The Lord's Table by Andrew Murray.
  • It Wasn't Always Easy, But I Sure Had Fun by Lewis Grizzard.
Favorite quote(s) of the week

"Your faith does not create God, and your doubts cannot banish Him to nothingness." - Mother Teresa.  Seeking the Heart of God:  Reflections on Prayer.  p. 17.

"Who cares when Rome was sacked? They should have had a better offensive line." - Lewis Grizzard.  It Wasn't Always Easy, But I Sure Had Fun.

"I know that you are an Evangelical college because you're happy and talk to each other."  Anthony Esolin, author.  CCU's Strategic Priorities Workshop 10/26/18.

To Link Neal - "...there's nothing else about you, unless you start talking, that would make me think that you were a hillbilly." - Rhett McLaughlin, Ear Biscuits,  episode 147.

"I did not do that on purpose; I'm just an idiot." Charles "Link" Neal, 2018.  Ear Biscuits,  episode 168.

"Childlike wonder is never something I'm going to apologize for."  - Charles "Link" Neal, 2018.  Let's Talk About ThatEpisode 12.

"...grace is the power of the Holy Spirit available to you and me to do with ease what we could not do by striving." - Joyce Meyer.  Knowing God Intimately, p. 183.

"Don't make reading uncool.  Don't make it 'basic.'" - Charles "Link" Neal, 2018.  Let's Talk About That. Episode 9

"Having a cat is great preparation for having a teenager."  Rhett McLaughlin, 2018 during the Game Theory charity live stream for mental health.

I am looking forward to... 
  • A coworker invited me to attend a ladies Christmas party this weekend at her church.
  • I missed our church's Christmas Eve service last year due to weather.  I'm hoping to make it this year.
  • I'm looking forward to our upcoming Christmas vacation.  Rest, relaxation, and mythicality are in my plans.
And Now For Something Totally Different:

Five Minute Friday word of the week:  One.



Thursday, December 6, 2018

40 Days of Throwback Thanks: Day 15 [My Mythical Year]

See my post here for more information on My Mythical Year.

40 Days of Throwback Thanks

Day 15

On a recent episode of the Happier podcast, the hosts urged the listener to choose a Christmas motto.  I've decided to adopt the motto "embrace immaturity."  I'm already a kid at heart (10 years teaching preschoolers will do that to you--or run you stark raving crazy), so I'm making my Christmas more fun by celebrating it through the eyes of a child.  Plus, I grew up poor, so any gift I got and any fun I had was a blessing.

Something I've always wanted since I was a kid was a train set to go around the Christmas tree or a Christmas village.  While perusing the shelves at the thrift store, I found said train set for $8.00.  I figured if it didn't work, I was only out a few dollars and the charity supported by the thrift store still wins.  Happily, it did work.  I couldn't figure out how to get the suspension clamp to work, so I put the tracks around the foot of the tree.  I'll add to the tableau when I can, but for now I'm happy.