Monday, December 31, 2018

One Word: Upgrade: The Simple Woman's Daybook [40 Days of Throwback Thanks] [My Mythical Year]

If you would like to join in and post your own Daybook, please head on over to visit Peggy at The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today:  Monday,  December 31, 2018

Outside my window  

Colorado is closing out 2018 with several inches of snow. 

I am thinking... 
I saw this sign in a store and it gave me pause.  While I get what the sign was trying to say, the sentiment is not necessarily true.  Now, I'm all about gratitude. But you have to remember, I'm coming from the perspective of someone who came into town with absolutely nothing but a few clothes, some books and knick-knacks, a bass guitar, and a bicycle all crammed inside a dying '96 Honda Accord.  I was starting from scratch, so while being thankful is very important, gratitude will not make "enough" out of what is obviously not adequate. 
Periodically, I will chose a word that reflect the stage of life I'm in.  In 2014 it was "metamorphosis."  In 2016, "community" was my one word.  While both are still in progress, it's time for a new word.  My one word for this stage of my life is "upgrade."
The verb upgrade means "to raise (something) to a higher standard, in particular improve (equipment or machinery) by adding or replacing components."  Granted, this isn't the kind of upgrade akin to a wife who was perfectly satisfied with a smaller diamond in her wedding ring but now pouts for an "upgrade."  No, there are still parts of my life that are substandard and in desperate need of upgrading. 
This will not be an exercise in ostentation or bad decisions.  Quite the contrary.  Much of these upgrades will be an increase in what I've already been doing.  This is going to take a lot of hard work, but it will be worth it.
I am thankful...

See my post here for more information on My Mythical Year. 

40 Days of Throwback Thanks

Day 38-40
  • I'm thankful for the beautiful snowy weather and that I don't have to be out in it.
  • I'm thankful that my weight loss journey is still on the upswing.  As many of you know, I made it into "one"derland earlier this year.  It's been a struggle, but I have managed to maintain that loss.  Hopefully 2019 will see me get to my goal weight.
  • I'm thankful to have finished my reading goal of 40 books for the year.  The task was made difficult because I lost my reading mojo a few times over the year; I didn't finish any books in June or August, plus there were a couple of months where I only finished one book.  I was down to the wire, but I finished my 40th book tonight.  I'm going for another 40 in 2019.
  • I'm most thankful for so much growth in my life.  Not simply increased health and mental stamina, but growth in my relationship with Christ.

My final throwback thanks for the year goes to Rhett and Link.  Their show and wonderful book got this whole throwback thanks started.  Yeah, I know that  #MyMythicalYear is only half over, but what an interesting six months it's been.  Their friendship, honesty, and willingness to do crazy, entertaining stunts has been an inspiration to me and has given me more enjoyment in my life.  Thanks, y'all.

From the Workshop... Still working on unfinished projects, formulating edits to the website, and developing new projects for the year.  Remember, y'all are still invited to get involved in the "Auntie's Baby Shower in a Bag" project.

From Auntie's Test Kitchen:  I've finished another letter in my A-Z Challenge.  More on that to come in a separate post.
I am reading...
  • Waiting for the Word by Malcolm Guite.
Books I've finished since my last Daybook:
  • The Quiet Little Woman by Louisa May Alcott.
  • The Matchmakers by Janette Oke.  I commented on it here.
  • Welcome to the Family by Kenneth Hagin Sr.  Please see my review here.
  • The Greatest Thing in the World and Other Addresses by Henry Drummond.
And a couple for the DNF (did not finish) pile:
  • Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison.
  • Cricket on the Hearth and Other Christmas Stories by Charles Dickens.  I commented on it here.

Favorite quote(s) of the week
"Salvation is not an 'it;' it's a 'Who.'"- Joseph Prince

"Sounds like a pig choking on pork." - Charles "Link" Neal.  Good Mythical Morning, episode 374.

"No form of vice, not worldliness, not greed of gold, not drunkenness itself, does more to un-Christianize society than evil temper. For embittering life, for breaking up communities, for destroying the most sacred relationships, for devastating homes, for withering up men and women, for taking the bloom of childhood, in short, for sheer gratuitous misery-producing power this influence stands alone." - Henry Drummond, The Greatest Thing in the World and Other Addresses, Location 171 in the Kindle edition.

"If you want to develop robust faith, then continually tell what the Lord is doing for you.  The more you talk about it, the more real He becomes to you.  The less you talk about it it, the less real He will be to you." - Kenneth Hagin Sr.  Welcome to the Family,  p. 101.

Weatherman: " The dusting of snow here in Denver is no big deal."
Me: " Are you crazy?! I'm almost out of milk!"  - Auntie's Musings

I am looking forward to... 
  • All that 2019 has to offer.
  • Getting back to work on January 7th.
  • Exploring the recreation centers and parks here in Lakewood.
  • Formulating my goals for the year and discovering strategies for accomplishing them.

And Now For Something Totally Different:



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