Thursday, December 14, 2023

Days 20, 21, & 22: Go Bah Your Own Humbug: The Weekly Hodgepodge [40 Days of Gratitude 2023]

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for the Hodgepodge link-up!


Oxford's Word of the Year for 2023 is 'rizz'. Hmmm...before today had you ever heard the word? Do you know what it means? (Apparently it's short for charisma) Have you ever used the word? If you were in charge of the world, what word would you declare word of the year for 2023?

I have heard the term.  However, I never knew what it meant.  If I were to declare a word for 2023, it would be stop. Stop and think.  Stop and enjoy.  Stop and love.  Stop worrying.  Stop being in such a hurry.  Stop doing anything that is harmful and really live.

What's one word you tend to abbreviate in your writing or speech? (as in rizz for charisma).

Let me first offer a caveat.  I'm referring to informal speech and writing.  I'm not sure if this counts as an abbreviation, but I use the word y'all.  Even in text messages and e-mails I try not to abbreviate or shortcut too much.  I see too many students who don't understand that a class discussion or an academic paper isn't a tweet or a text.  Use your big boy words.

Are you a Hallmark movie watcher this time of year? What's your favorite character from a holiday- themed movie, book, or TV special? 

Hallmark Christmas movies aren't my favorite.  I find them too predictable and they come off as cheesy.  With that being said, if I'm invited to watch those types of movies with friends, I'll enjoy the fun of being with the group even if I don't entirely enjoy the movie.

On the other hand, I enjoy holiday themed movies.  There have been very few iterations of A Christmas Carol that I didn't enjoy.  My favorites are the George C. Scott version from the 80s, the Patrick Stewart version (I wish someone would put his one man show version of the this on video somewhere--I'd love to see it), and the version with the Muppets.  Even the Hallmark (yes, I said Hallmark) interpretation of the story with Susan Lucci as Elizabeth"Ebbie" Scrooge is a keeper.  Bob Cratchit is my favorite character from the story.  He's such a kind soul; no matter how crappy his wages and treatment, he always finds a way to be joyful and generous.

Something you look forward to eating this month? 
As long as it's enjoying tine with the people I love, anything's good.
What's the most stressful part of the holiday season for you? 
"Los Tres Reyes"
by Shannon Maddox, aka "Auntie"
Trying to establish and maintain meaningful traditions that fill my bucket.  So much of the season revolves around community (which it should).  However, a lack of built-in community should not ruin the season and turn it into dark cauldron of lonely depression.  That has been my fight this time around.  For me, the insistence that all has to be said and done by the 25th is too much pressure to which I refuse to succumb.  If I understand it correctly (and even if I don't, I'm going with it), the Christmas season isn't officially over until the Feast of the Epiphany (celebrating the arrival of the magi to worship the King) on January 6th.  So, tell me again why I have to close up shop the evening of the 25th?  I didn't relegate thanksgiving only to the designated day.  Likewise, I will not box in my celebration of the Savior's birth.

Insert your own random thought here

Days 20, 21, & 22.

I am grateful for:

  • The company that produces International Delight flavored coffee creamers stopped putting sucralose in everything.  Now, I can go back to buying that brand without the fear of getting sick from the fake sugar. 
  • Studying the Word with my co-workers.  Our admin group just finished a study called When You Pray.  It's a thoroughly enjoyable study from LifeWay.  If you're into that type of thing, I'd highly recommend it.
  • Opportunities to serve students outside of the classroom setting.
  • My annual Christmas popcorn tin purchase.  Yes, I wish there was more of a choice in the popcorn (much more butter and cheese popcorn with less--or no--caramel popcorn), but I still enjoy it nonetheless.
  • Magnetic pin cushions.  Not knowing how inexpensive they were, I didn't buy one until this week. My hope is that now I won't have to hunt for the pins I inevitably drop on the carpet while I sew.  Several that I couldn't find were discovered by either the vacuum cleaner, or by being stepped on (in shoes, thank the Lord).
  • More progress on the campus building project.  It will be nearly a month before I'll be on campus again, so who knows how much progress the crew will make by then.

  • My new-to-me "in between" jacket.  My first winter in Colorado made the purchase of a heavy warm coat a necessity--thus my "Morris Day and the Time" leather trench coat I procured from the thrift store.  A couple of years later, I bought a zippered sweater for days that were cool but not frigid. However, it wasn't until now that I have a jacket for the in-between--days too cold for the sweater, but too warm for the trench coat.  This was another blessed thrift store find.
In case you missed it:  

* My previous Hodgepodge post:  "It's Not Easy Being Blue" is here.
* My latest First Line Friday post "#15:  Practicing Christian Doctrine" is here.
* My latest Monday Mess Making post on my Auntie's Workshop blog "Quilt in a Day...Well:  Episode 3" is here.


  1. These are all great gratefuls! Thanks for sharing. I completely agree with you about not abbreviating words in formal speech or writing and I usually don't do it on my blog either even though that's not a professional blog.

    1. Thanks so much for reading. I've noticed since I'm teaching college-level courses that I've been even more cognizant of my phraseology in my blog posts and correspondence.

  2. I agree with your thoughts about A Christmas Carol as it's one of my favorite Christmas movies - any version of it! - but my favorite is the old classic movie with Alistair Sim in the starring role. I also loved An American Christmas Carol starring Henry Winkler. I also enjoy an entire season for Advent and Christmas, and don't understand the people who must have everything cleared away on the 26th. We've only just arrived at Christmas on the 25th, and there are twelve more days of it! Hope you have a wonderful holiday season - the whole season!
