Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Being a Squirrely Nutcase: The Weekly Hodgepodge

Join the fun! 
Come on over to 
for the Hodgepodge link-up!

February 16th is National Almond day...are you a fan? If so what's your favorite food item or recipe that contains almonds? 

Oh yes, I really enjoy almonds.  The problem is that currently whole almonds currently cost almost as much as a half a tank of gas.  Maybe I can get a bag my next grocery day. One of my favorite recipes uses slivered almonds.  I use them in the place of sunflower kernels in my broccoli cranberry salad.

Something you are currently 'nuts' about? 

My "new" closet.
I've recently done some rearranging in my apartment.  I'm still decorating and upgrading things as I can.  I'm really enjoying how it's coming along.  My place feels more cozy and welcoming.  The part that I am most nuts about it my coat closet.  There's not a lot of storage here, so I have to make the most of what I have.  I recently got a fabulous Christmas present.  During a conversation at one of our staff meetings last year, a member of our team said he had leftover wire closet shelves and hardware from a project he did at his house.  His Christmas present to me was to redo the coat closet the I use as craft closet with those shelves.  He didn't get to do it at Christmas time because he and his wife contracted COVID.  He installed the shelves last week and I've taken the past few days to arrange things where I can more efficiently find and use them.  I also ordered an over-the door shelf for even more storage.

Something currently driving you 'nuts'? 

Have you ever had a day where you're so squirrely that you can't concentrate on anything?  Well, I'm having one of those days (Tuesday).  I've got tons of work to do for my job and at home and I can't focus to get a thing done.  I can't figure out how to snap out of it.  NOTE:  It took going to the grocery store during my lunch break to start regaining focus.  Sheesh!

Something you recently bought for 'peanuts'? 

Nothing comes to mind.  I haven't been to the thrift store lately.  😊

Share a favorite quote uttered by any U.S. President (if you're not an American, a quote made by the leader of your own country). 

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotion, spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who have never tasted victory or defeat. - President Theodore Roosevelt.

Insert your own random thought here:

A quote from Craig Ferguson I find apropos for this post:  "I guess any attention is good attention for a nutcase!" 

In case you missed it:  

*My last Hodgepodge post, "Groundhogs Still Don't Know Jack" is here.
*My latest Five Minute Friday post "Behold," is here.
*My latest 2022 Book It Reading Challenge review of Belong by Radha Agrawal is here.
*My latest Simple Woman's Daybook "A Buggy Full of Lemons," is here.
*My latest Auntie's Workshop post "Finishing and Fixing III," is here.


  1. Great quote! And I love the closet re-do. What a wonderful gift to be given and it looks like you're making the most of it. Good luck buckling down and getting whatever needs doing done.

  2. Great answers. Thanks for sharing

  3. Great job on that closet! You've used that space so well. Great quote. Happy Hodgepodge to you!

  4. It's fun rearranging and updating things. We are getting ready to move into a new kitchen in our house and I've been looking on amazon for things to organize with.
