Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Greening Party: The Weekly Hodgepodge

Join the fun! 
Come on over to 
for the Hodgepodge link-up!

This week's Hodgepodge lands on St. Patrick's Day. Will you wear green? Eat corned beef and cabbage? Drink green beer? Have you ever been to Ireland? Is it on your travel 'bucket list'? 

I generally do not participate in the typical St. Patrick's Day activities.  I'm not opposed to them, but they are socially oriented so there are no real opportunities to participate.  I've not yet been to Ireland, but I would love to go.  In fact, I'd like to tour all of Great Britain.  However, I wouldn't dare go alone--I'm not sure I would be welcome or treated well.

Something you think is 'worth its weight in gold'? 

Lotion and lip balm. This arid climate is rough on the skin.   

Something that makes you 'green around the gills'? 

Exhaustion.  Have you ever been so tired that you wanted to barf?  I have.  When I get to that state of tired--and lately it's been a pattern--I know I have pushed myself too far mentally and emotionally.  Time to either take a nap or go on to bed, Auntie. 

What puts a 'spring in your step' these days? 

Creativity.  Since I've finished my courses, I've had more time to create and think of things to create. I've also gotten my bass and amp out and am planning to resume regular practice.

Write a limerick using one of the following as your theme....March, St. Patrick's Day, Covid, 2020 and/or 2021, the color green, or life lately. Yes, you can do it. 

"Beware the ides of March" is a myth.
The winter and pandemic isolation have been as bitter as pith.
Get in the sun, go have some fun.
And get back to moving around to get rid of the width.

OK, is it a limerick or a hoedown? (I know, If you've never watched Whose Line is it Anyway, you don't know what I'm talking about).

Insert your own random thought here. 

As per tradition: 

 In case you missed it:  

* Last week's Hodgepodge post, "Hodgepodge Over Easy," is here.
* My latest Auntie's Workshop post "Get 'er Done Art Challenge: End of Round Two" is here.
* My latest book review in my 2021 Flip and Sip Reading Challenge is here.


  1. I agree with your "green around the gills" comment but I haven't felt that way in a while. I know I have crossed some line when I am so tired that I actually feel like throwing up!

  2. Well I can definitely relate to the last line of your limerick : ) We have watched Whose Line Is It Anyway and love it. Is it still on TV? Hope you get that nap along with some outdoor sunshine this weekend!

  3. Oh yes. Lotion and especially lip balm. I never go anywhere without either of them.
    And yes to the creativity! It's not a real day if I haven't been knitting.
