Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Be Nice and Get Off the Phone: The Weekkly Hodgepodge

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for the Hodgepodge link-up!
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What's one part of your everyday routine you'd be better off without?

The inconsistency. I've been trying all year to reestablish healthy routines and failing miserably. Unfortunately, I'm one of those weak people who need outward accountability.  Even before quarantine, accountability was hard to find.  Now, it is impossible.  I thought about going back to the community center to work out and at least have that built in accountability.  However, they want patrons to wear a mask while working out.  I get out of breath just talking with the thing on. There's no way I could make it through a workout without either taking the mask off to breathe, or passing out because I'm not getting enough oxygen.

October 5th is/was National Do Something Nice Day. So what did you/will you do? 

I know this sounds snarky, but why do we need a certain day to be nice?  I was raised to be courteous and kind, so I didn't need to do anything out of the ordinary.  If I can't be nice any other day of the week, a "special" day isn't going to make me any nicer.

What question do you hate to answer? 
It's a string of questions that always go together:  Are you married?  At your age, why aren't you married?  Do you have children?  At your age, why don't you have children?  I've been getting these questions since I was in my early 20s!

Do we have control over technology or does it have control over us. In that same vein, have you watched The Social Dilemma (available on Netflix) and if so what did you think?  
Do you mean the royal "we?"  It depends on the person.  If you mean "we" as in "us," I believe I have control over technology.  If I go off to the store and forget my phone, I don't break out in hives and hyperventilate. With technology, I use various forms of technology daily, so I'm not opposed to it.  Now, if you mean social media, the more human interaction I have, the less I use social media.  I did hear about the Social Dilemma program, but don't have Netflix (and probably wouldn't watch it anyway if I did).  I think if someone is at that level of addiction to technology/social media, they need to get help.

What are three small things that make your day better? 

  1. A comforting cup of coffee or tea.
  2. A good laugh or two...or three.
  3. Making art, even if it just working on something for a few minutes.

Insert your own random thought here. 

Please be in prayer for my family.  My 43 year old niece, Lucretia passed away suddenly Monday. 

We 80s children have lost another icon.  In honor of Eddie Van Halen's passing, I share a couple of my favorite Van Halen songs.



In case you're interested:
* My latest Auntie's Workshop post is here.

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