Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Old School Teaching: The Weekly Hodgepodge

Join the fun! 
Come on over to 
for the Hodgepodge link-up!
What's happening where you live in terms of schools opening? How do you feel about it?

Heck if I know.  It seems that the school districts send out different information and instructions to the parents daily.  Many of the parents are tired of being jerked around.

How do I feel about it? 

Do you really want to know?

I don't think you do.

I'm not a parent, but I have been a teacher, so I have some experience.  All I'm going to say is that the teachers who are using this situation as some political pool cue or who are just too lazy to want to get back to work ought to be ashamed.  If I were a parent, I'd be pissed at all of the ridiculous, inconsistent behavior of some teachers, administrators, and school boards.

Though I don't agree with everything that is said, this segment from The Rick and Bubba Show sums up my feelings about this.  Yes, this is New York, but I hear this mess everywhere:

What's something you still do 'old school'?
  • Double spacing when I touch type. New formatting codes require single spacing now.  I can't break the habit...and don't really want to.
  • Preferring print books to electronic ones.  I will read books on an e-reader, but it's not my first choice.  I retain information from a paper book or an audio book better.
  • Send handwritten cards and letters.
  • Hand wash my dishes.  I do use my dishwasher, but my default is hand washing.
  • Use the King James version of the Bible.  I read and study from other translations, but good 'ole King Jimmy is still my favorite.
  • Use a paper calendar. 
August 4th is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day. Will you/did you celebrate by baking a batch? Eating a batch? Nuts or no nuts? Homemade or store bought? Soft and chewy or do you prefer your cookie to snap when you bite into it?

No. Chocolate chip aren't my favorite cookie.  I don't hate them, but will only eat them only if there's not another dessert available.

What are you starved for?
  • Church fellowship.
  • Physical touch.
  • Sleep - I'm battling insomnia lately.
  • An outing. Not a vacation necessarily, but a fun reason to leave the house, not just something utilitarian like going to the store.
  • Emotional stability.
Anything new and interesting on your August calendar? What is one thing you're looking forward to this month?

Not really.

Insert your own random thought here. 

I got this from Diana.  I usually save these for my Daybook, but this was too funny not to go ahead and share.

In case you're interested:
* My latest Auntie's Workshop post is here.
* My latest Five Minute Friday post is here.
* My latest Simple Woman's Daybook is here.


  1. I still double space too! I can't see to help myself. I prefer real books as well. I don't despise reading on a device, but real books are the best. My version is the New American Standard Bible, though I sometimes look up verses in KJV as well. I'm sorry things are so hard right now.
    Laughter and Consistency

    1. Thanks, Jan.

      Yeah, I took typing when I was 15. We were taught to double tap between sentences. There no breaking the habit now, more than 30 years later.
