Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Pressure Cooker The Weekly Hodgepodge

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for the Hodgepodge link-up!
Do you think the pandemic has had any kind of positive impact on your mental health? Explain.

Absolutely not.  This pandemic has taken everything that was healthy for my psyche like face to face interaction and physical touch and crapped all over it.  Sure, I've saved some money by not leaving the house every day, but has it been worth the isolation, loneliness, and depression?  Hardly.

WARNING:  Rant coming. 

I know most of you reading this will not understand.  Most of my friends and acquaintances don't understand. In fact, some have been rather cruel and condescending to me over it (Ever have someone roll their eyes at your prayer request?  Yeah, it happened). They consider it some glorious opportunity for reconnection with their families, or worse yet, deemed this an introvert's paradise where they finally don't have to deal with people, while forgetting that they have built in community at home (spouses, roommates, children, parents, etc.) and are not truly alone.  I've tried to remind them that solitary confinement is considered a punishment!

One, I think it's wonderful that families are reconnecting and spending more constructive quality time together and growing in love and grace with each other.  I'm all for that.  It is a shame that it took a pandemic to do it, but it is what it is.  Two, I'm an ambivert, which means I have a balance of introvert and extrovert tendencies--I get energy from being around people, but also get energy from alone time.  Throw one of those out of balance and all my energy is drained.  Too much people time is overwhelming to my psyche, but too much alone time has the same effect.  Even true introverts aren't emotionally healthy if they avoid people altogether for extended periods of time.  God built the human being for community--some of us like it in large doses, some in small doses, but a dose is necessary.

I relish the day when this is over!

A hot mess, hot under the collar, in hot water, hot button, hot diggity dog!, hot shot, hot seat....choose one and tell us how it applies to your life currently.

A hot mess, but in a good way.  As I mentioned a few posts ago, my creative fires have been rekindled.  We all know that the creation of art is always somewhat messy.   I'm trying to improve my organization, but it hasn't been easy.  Wal-Mart is doing their "let's discontinue everything people like" thing again and I can't find anything I want.

Speaking of the hot seat, do you work well under pressure or do you actively avoid high pressure situations?

It depends on the source of the pressure.  I do put undue pressure on myself in some situations, but I work well with it.  If it's pressure from someone else or is caused by unforeseen negative circumstances, I don't handle it well.

 Sorry, not sorry.  😊

Hotdogs-yay or nay? If you said yay how do you like yours? Did you know July is National hotdog month?

Yes, I enjoy hotdogs.  I like them with mustard, onions, and relish, or with slaw and barbecue sauce.  I enjoy them grilled, boiled, or fried (I don't have a grill or a grill pan).   Hmm, July is National hot dog month?  I may have to make me a slaw dog or two before the month is over.

I read here a list of America's coolest Southern towns. They are Marfa Texas, Greenville South Carolina, Abindgon Virginia, Athens Georgia, Bentonville Arkansas, Florence Alabama, Oxford Mississippi, Abita Springs Louisiana, Wilmington North Carolina, Monroeville Alabama, McMinnville Tennessee, Natchez Mississippi.  How many on the list have you seen in person? Which town on the list would you most like to see?

Wait, this list didn't include Jacksonville, Alabama or Buies Creek, North Carolina.  Bogus! Well, at least there weren't any Florida towns listed because we all know the Florida isn't really a southern state.

I'm still not sorry.  😈


I've not been to any of those towns (no, not even the Alabama ones).  Honestly, these don't appeal to me.  Some of the Southern towns I'd like to visit are Gulf Shores, Alabama for the beach of course, Gee's Bend, Alabama to meet the famous quilters, Gatlinburg, Tennessee for the art shops, and Fort Worth, Texas to attend a big Bible conference they have there every summer.

Insert your own random thought here. 

Saw this shirt at Wal-Mart...

In case you're interested:

* My latest 2020 It's the Hardback Life book review is here. It's an older review, but I read the book again this week.
* My latest Five Minute Friday post is here.
* My latest Simple Woman's Daybook is here.
* My latest Auntie's Workshop post is here.
* My Auntie's Workshop summer card collection is here.  Note:  I am now accepting PayPal.  Contact me for details. I'm working on my fall collection, so STAY TUNED.


  1. I understand your rant. I think even most true introverts have learned they need at least a little people interaction in the course of a week. I hope things improve and you’re able to get out a bit with friends very soon. But creating is a great way to fill some hours. Good luck with that!

  2. I thought your rant was well-said. Isolation is really hard, and I agree that God created us with a need to be involved in community. I'm glad I found your blog. I'm looking forward to reading more. Blessings.
    Laughter and Consistency

  3. My daughter has been alone in her apartment for most of the lockdown. Her roommate decided to shelter in place at his parents' house. I worried about her a lot, for precisely the reasons you mentioned.

    Love your music choice, by the way. I'm huge fan of Queen.
