Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Gimmie Some Sugah: The Weekly Hodgepodge

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Come on over to 
for the Hodgepodge link-up!
The sweetness of summer...where have you found it recently? If you're in the Southern hemisphere, feel free to tell us about the sweetness you're finding in winter.

As I said in my Daybook from Sunday, whenever I'm out I try to find beauty around me.  Seems like the more I look for it, the more I find it.  Some of my recent photos are below.  I'm trying to relish the sweetness of summer while keeping fall in view.

Take your sweet time, sweet tooth, home sweet home, short but sweet, the sweet smell of success, sweet talk...choose a sweet idiom and tell us how it fits your life currently?

I think "take your sweet time" fits right now.  As much as I like to get things done as quickly and efficiently as possible, when I'm out, I don't like to feel rushed or to be hurried by someone else's impatience.  The line in the Serenity Prayer, " one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time" stands out to me lately.  I don't want to keep wondering where the time went.  I want to have evidence and memories to show for the passing years.

And of course, sweet home Alabama is always on my mind.

Sweet as honey, sweet as sugar, or sweet as pie, which phrase do you use when a sweet phrase is called for? What's the last sweet treat you indulged in? 

I don't really use any of those.  I'm an old Southern soul who like to call people "Sugah."

As far as sweet treats go:  Years ago when I was staying with Miss Sue, we discovered International Delight's Cold Stone Creamery Sweet Cream flavored coffee creamer and thoroughly enjoyed adding it to our morning coffee.  I hadn't seen any in the stores since I moved to Colorado until now. Last time I shopped for groceries I bought myself a container of it and have been enjoying it when I treat myself with coffee instead of tea.

First thing that comes to mind when you hear the word fidget?

Spinner.  I also think of whether my crochet hooks or paint brushes can be considered fidget toys.  My most relaxing and settling times are when I'm crocheting or painting.  I can sit still and rest as long as my hands are busy.

Share with us one of your favorite childhood travel memories.

We grew up poor, so we didn't do any out of town vacations or family trips.  My best travel memories from childhood are going on trips with the marching band or camping trips and fun activities with the Girl Scouts and with my church youth group.  Fun times.

Insert your own random thought here. 

Saw the funniest thing on the internet.  An article in The New York Times had some exciting news about a new device developed in Singapore that allows people to open their windows yet drown out city noise.  I just shook my head.  Southerners have had those for years--it's called a BOX FAN!


I took these photos when I was out having a tire fixed yesterday.

In case you're interested:
* My latest 2020 It's the Hardback Life book review is here.
* My latest Five Minute Friday post is here.
* My latest Simple Woman's Daybook is here.
* My latest Auntie's Workshop post is here.
* My Auntie's Workshop summer card collection is here.  Note:  I am now accepting PayPal.  Contact me for details. I'm working on my fall collection, so STAY TUNED.


  1. Your photos are beautiful. I'm pretty sure I'm now going to be singing Sweet Home Alabama the rest of the day :)

  2. I love your photos. Definitely remember the box fan noise. My daughter used a sound machine with her first born...guess the sound...Box Fan!
