Friday, July 10, 2020

Five Minute Friday: "Endure"

Genesis 8:22 (NIV) - “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”

God spoke these words after the greatest disaster on earth--the flooding and destruction of every living thing on earth, save Noah, his family, and the pairs of animals.  Even after such a tremendous catastrophe, God still proves faithful to love and provide for his children.

The pandemic is not nearly as catastrophic to the entire planet.  However, to many individuals, it has been a destroying force, for some it has been a season of loss and unwanted negative change; for some, a mere inconvenience.  Whatever the category, we must still rely on the Lord and His faithfulness to see us through this.

As for me, I fall somewhere between inconvenience and loss.  Blessedly, I didn't lose my job or any friends or loved ones, but I've suffered other forms of loss.  It's been difficult to endure the psychological effects of the first months of extended isolation which also negatively affected my physical health.  Yet God has been faithful and let me see some victories through it all.  He's bringing me out, but the road to full recovery is long.

 This song has been on my mind all this week.  Despite all that is going on,
every day, He gives me a reason to thank and praise Him.


  1. As you said, I think most of us fall in the "in between" area on major situations. I believe we have the ability to endure only because of God's faithfulness. He makes a way for us, like he did for Noah, when we are faithful to Him.

  2. Great is thy faithfulness. Blessed to be your FMF neighbor this week.
