Friday, August 28, 2020

Five Minute Friday: "Loud"

Ecclesiastes 4:10 - "...But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up."


Everything was just too loud.  I head a headache most of the time I was in Alabama.

Grief rings loud in my ears. Yet I must remain silent.

The weeping of my family at my mom's graveside is a loud symphony of sorrow.  My stoic strength is what they all needed, yet stifling my loud grief hurt like hell.

The breaking of my heart is as loud as a whole china cabinet full of fine crystal and dishes being dashed to the floor all at once, yet I must remain silent to respect my family's brokenness at saying goodbye to mama.

My family coped by making noise--loud music, loud talking, cussing, and stupid questions about why I'm not married yet, loud behavior, and the loud breath of alcohol, cigarettes, and weed.  So loud that I felt sick and needed to get away--not from my family, but from the loud!

But where could I go?

Even when I got in the car and drove around Anniston, everything still felt too loud.  I got no comfort and no relief.  I was not there for me, but for others. I had to accept that.

When I got back to Colorado, I finally got quiet and my headache went away, yet the loud roar of pain was still there. There is still no comfort, only the loud, hateful noise of sorrow.



  1. Grief gets loud. Even the silence feels loud somehow. I'm sorry for your loss and pray that God holds you close.

    Amie, FMF #14

  2. I'm sorry for your loss. Praying for God's comfort to quieten the loudness of the sorrow.

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope that God will continue to strengthen you - and comfort you (and give you some quiet) as you continue to grieve in the weeks and months ahead!!

  4. I'm sorry for your loss. May the Lord hold you close and comfort you as only He can do.
