Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Make a Move: The Weekly Hodgepodge

Join the fun! 
Come on over to 
for the Hodgepodge link-up!
Last time you moved house? Something you've learned in moving house?

In 2017, I moved house four times in one year:  from Miss Sue's house to Miss Merrell's to get ready for my move to CO, then from Miss Merrell's to my friends who graciously let me live with them until I could get my own place in CO, and finally from there to my own apartment.  What did I learn?  That I never want to move that many times again.  Lord willing, the next time I move will be to my own house!

Move mountains, move along, make a wrong move, moved to tears, get a move on, move up, move over, move out of the way, move the deck chairs on the Titanic, move it!...pick one and tell us how it fits your recent circumstances.

Moved to tears.  I already talked about why in my last Daybook, so I won't rehash it here.

What have you been doing to make yourself move (aka stay fit-active) during these strange times?

 The Green Hornet is lonely.
Not enough.  I'm hoping that like my creativity, my inspiration to work out will come back in full force.  All my attempts to get restarted have not fared well.  I'm either sick or simply exhausted. Because I do better with outer accountability, last year, I used a membership at the community centers as a motivation to get out and move, but since there's so many restrictions (only one center open, have to make reservations to enter, have to wear a mask, have to social distance in fitness classes) plus, they jacked up the prices, so it's just not an option right now.  I've got plenty I can do at home.  I just need to string together a few of days where I feel well so I can restart.

This week's calendar includes celebrations for the following foods- National Coffee Milkshake Day (Sunday), National Creme Brûlée Day (Monday), National Milk Chocolate Day (Tuesday), National Chicken Wing Day (Wednesday), National Lasagna Day (Wednesday), National Cheesecake Day (Thursday), and National Avocado Day (Friday). Which one on the list would you be most inclined to celebrate? Which would you be most inclined to skip?

I enjoy avocado on a regular basis, so that wouldn't be much of a celebration.  I would definitely say yes to Cheesecake, lasagna, chicken wings, or milk chocolate.  I don't like cold coffee and I honestly don't know what creme brulee is, so they do not appeal to me.

Next week's Hodgepodge lands in August! I know!! Raise your hand if you feel like July flew by in the blink of an eye? Now bid farewell to your July acrostic style. If you don't know what that means click here.

J - July, goodbye!
U - Ugly was your treatment of me.
L - Living through you was not fun.
Y - Yay! August is on the way.

Insert your own random thought here. 

A photo from my day...

* My latest 2020 It's the Hardback Life book review is here. It's an older review, but I read the book again last week.
* My latest Five Minute Friday post is here.
* My latest Simple Woman's Daybook is here.
* My latest Auntie's Workshop post is here.
* My Auntie's Workshop summer card collection is here.  Note:  I am now accepting PayPal.  Contact me for details. I'm working on my fall collection, so STAY TUNED.


  1. I'm sorry you're having a rough time. I am so glad you were able to meet a friend for a walk and the pictures were pretty. Your creativity look like it's in full swing though, which is wonderful. Feel better soon, and take care.

  2. So sorry you haven't been feeling well, hope you feel better soon! I enjoyed your hodgepodge today. Have a great evening :)

  3. Your July acrostic said it all! Sorry you aren't feeling well. I've been unmotivated to work out, too. The difference is that I haven't been consistently motivated since my daughter was 1. (Now she's 11. Yikes.)
    Laughter and Consistency
