Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Old T-Shirts: The Simple Woman's Daybook

If you would like to join in and post your own Daybook, please head on over to visit Peggy at The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today: Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Looking Out My Window... Lovely Football weather.  The days are still warm, but the evenings are nice and cool.

This isn't exactly outside my window, but I got to visit the Denver Botanic Gardens again with my small group.

All these wonderful colors will be great inspiration during the winter months.
I am Thinking...

...about what to do with my racing shirts.  If you've followed by blog over the years, you know that I ran 5k's on a consistent basis back home.  Of course, each race came with a t-shirt.  I have a whole box of race shirts that I don't want to get rid of, but to preserve the memory somehow.  I know there are t-shirt quilts, but I'm not confident enough in my sewing skills to cut up these shirts (if I mess up, I don't have a second shirt to try again with).  Also, it's expensive to get someone else to make the quilt (and rightfully so--that's a lot of work).  I hate for them to just sit in boxes under my bed.

...about the upcoming holidays and how I'm going to celebrate them.

...about the future of my artistic endeavors.  What do I do with art that everyone says is so wonderful, but will only receive it for free rather than pay for it?

...about home.

I am Thankful...
  • For a church that balances outward ministry with inward ministry and they do their best to keep those who serve from being burned out.
  • For a small group that likes deep spiritual conversations, rather than keeping everything on the surface.
  • For friends back home who still care about me.

From the Workshop...

One of my co-workers is expecting a baby girl in October.
This crocheted blanket went to the new little princess last week.

I am Reading...
  • Defining Moments:  The Harlem Renaissance by Kevin Hillstrom
  • Faith Thinking:  The Dynamics of Christian Theology by Trevor Heart
  • Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  • Crowded Pews and Lonely People by Marion Leach Jacobsen

Books I have completed since my last Daybook:
  • Humility by Andrew Murray
  • The Deeper Christian Life by Andrew Murray
  • The Blue Castle by L. M. Montgomery

Favorite Quote(s) of the Week ...

"It is a good rule, after reading a new book, never to allow yourself another new one till you have read an old one in between. If that is too much for you, you should at least read one old one to every three new ones." - C. S. Lewis, On the Reading of Old Books.

"God is always preparing you for what He has already prepared for you. The point of this journey is who you will become on the way, not just the destination where you will arrive." Christine Caine

"Some of y'all put vinegar on your greens.  I don't know who you are, but you can get delivered today."  - Pastor John Gray, Relentless Church.

Now For Something Totally Different ...

Five Minute Friday Word of the Week:  Testimony





  1. We need to meet up at the Botanic Gardens! One of our favorite places! And, what did you think of Blue Castle? I haven't read it but love L.M. Montgomery.

    1. Yes, we do. :)

      I enjoyed the Blue Castle. The theme is more grown up than her other novels, but it was a fun read. If you have Hoopla, they have it in audio.

  2. I am in awe of your crocheting skillz!
