Friday, June 21, 2019

Five Minute Friday: "Question"


This July, I'll have been working on my recovery for eleven years.  One phrase often uttered in Celebrate Recovery meetings is "God never wastes a hurt."  Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."  I've come a very long way, but, unfortunately, there is still much hurt to deal with.

Most people who have sordid childhoods say that God used that hurt to make them better spouses and parents.

I have lots of questions for God.  The main one right now being how will my hurts not be a waste since marriage and children are not in His playbook for me?  I'm fine with that, since I never want to pass the hurt to anyone.  However, how do I pass the healing on?  I never want anyone to experience the hurts that still haunt me to this day.  I can't stop someone else's hurt, but I hope that somehow I can be useful in mentoring someone through the process of stopping those past hurts from ruining the present and stealing from the future--a process I'm going through right now.

How will this hurt not be wasted?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Visiting from FMF #55 this week. Pam
