Monday, November 26, 2018

40 Days of Throwback Thanks: Day 05 [My Mythical Year]

See my post here for more information on My Mythical Year.

40 Days of Throwback Thanks

Day 05:

I'm thankful for...
  • .... a beautiful sunny day with birds singing in the trees outside our offices.
  • ... a fun opportunity to be a blessing to a stranger.
  • ... a simple fix to an annoying problem.  The corner curl of one my rugs was a continual annoyance (also a constant tripping hazard for me).  I didn't want to tape the corner down for fear of ruing the floor.  After a brief internet search, I tried one of the simplest solutions--wet the corner with a damp cloth, roll the corner in the opposite direction and leave it overnight.  By morning, the rug stayed nice and flat.  Now, I can go back to tripping over my own feet instead of the rug.  ☺
Today's Throwback Thanks goes to Pastor Derek Staples, Bob White, and Virginia Peabody:
I know I've said it before, but it bears repeating.  Thank you for being there for me at time when I was in so much mental, physical, and emotional pain that I was ready to die--and was preparing to do so at my own hand.  You didn't ignore me, berate me, or tell me I was selfish, a bad Christian, or that I wasn't doing x-spiritual thing enough.  You also didn't pity, coddle, or dismiss me.  You simply loved me, prayed for me, and helped me get the help I needed.  That help, in the form of Chaplain Wilson, is directly responsible for my growth and the courage to have accomplished all that's gone on this last year and a half.  Thank you for caring enough to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  Y'all mean the world to me.

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