Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Scraps and Such 03: The Weekly Hodgepodge

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for the Hodgepodge link-up!


From 586:  What's the coziest thing you own and what makes it so

Other than my Grinch pajamas, the throw blanket a friend gave me for Christmas a couple of years ago.  It's luxuriously soft and keeps me toasty warm. When I see it on my blanket ladder or touch it, the word "snuggle" comes to mind.

From 587:  What's something trivial about which you have a strong opinion?

  1. College football:  #RollTide
  2. The best brand of gel pens:  Either Uni-Ball Signos or Pilot G-2 pens.  The ones at the Dollar Tree are OK in a pinch, but they don't last long and their caps come off too easily.
  3. The pronunciation of the word "pecan." - The dictionary says it's pronounced "pəˈkän" and I've always heard it pronounced that way--even by the most backwoods redneck and the bougie-est Southern Belle .  Pronouncing it "pee-can" is some regional nonsense that I refuse to acknowledge. OK, is this trivial or petty?
  4. People should at least attempt to use proper grammar and spelling in social media posts.  No, we don't need Shakespeare, but at least make it understandable. 

From 588 (current)

What area of your life feels like you're stuck in a Groundhog's Day loop, doing the same thing over and over? Does it bother you or is that just how life is in this particular season? 

Though I enjoy my work, sometimes my duties as an administrative assistant feel overly repetitive, but I do understand that it is the nature of the job.  Most of the time it doesn't bother me.  The only time it does is when I have to process academic integrity reports.  Most students learn after the first disciplinary action not to make this choice again.  The frustration comes with repeat offenders (even more so when it's one of my students).  They make excuses, blame the professor, blame their computer, blame God, blame everyone but the real culprit.  Sometimes, I wish I could drop ranks and ask, "Has your mama ever whupped you in a circle?"  If the answer is "no," then there's your problem.

Something that makes your heart skip a beat? 

Does opening new craft supplies count? 

Do you wear your heart on your sleeve or are you more of a closed book? Elaborate

Not in a romantic sense.  That ship sailed decades ago (actually, it never docked at the harbor).  As a teen, I learned never to reveal my feelings or share them with anyone.  That's a recipe for things coming out sideways (and they did).  My 20s and 30s taught me who I could (and couldn't) trust and what feelings were appropriate to share with whom.

According to Prevention Magazine, these are 25 of the best foods for heart health-

wild salmon, sardines, liver, walnuts, almonds, chia seeds, oatmeal, blueberries, coffee, red wine, green tea, soy milk, dark chocolate, raisins, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, whole grains, apples, oranges, grapefruit, avocado, avocado oil, olive oil 

Which five do you include in your diet most often? Are there any foods on the list you simply cannot abide? 

The five that I partake of most often are coffee, almonds, whole grains, apples, and oatmeal.  One heart healthy food not in this list that is a big part of my diet is whole flax seeds.  Out of this list, there are only a couple I will never eat...or never eat (or drink) again.  I will never eat sardines (my dad loved them, but they looked and smelled disgusting).  I will never partake of wine again (I conquered an alcohol addiction issue decades ago that I refuse to stir up again), liver (it tastes like a rusty car bumper), or soy milk (it tears up my stomach like regular milk does to the lactose intolerant).

What was the last piece of furniture you bought? Is there a piece of furniture you need/want to purchase this year?

Three years ago, I replaced my plastic dining chairs from IKEA with a set of chairs I found on Amazon.  I have two furniture items I hope to buy this year.  I want a nice recliner or club chair for my living room area (I miss having a reading/stitching/thinking chair).  I bought a recliner from IKEA that broke somehow.   I'm not sure if this counts as furniture, but I've had my mattress since I moved into my apartment more than seven years ago.  It's still OK, but starting to show signs that it's time to start hunting for a new one.

Insert your own random thought here. 

In case you missed it:  

  • My previous Hodgepodge post "Equal Opportunity Oatmeal" is here.
  • My latest Weekly Digest "Coloring Outside the Lines" is here.
  • My latest First Line Friday post: "#30:  Celebration of Discipline by Richard J. Foster" is here
  • My "25 for 2025" challenge is here.
  • My "2025 I Can Only Blame MyShelf Reading Challenge" is here.

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