Friday, July 7, 2023

First Line Friday #13: I Dare You

Thanks to Carrie at
Reading is My Superpower
for the Link-up


TitleI Dare You
Author:  Joyce Meyer
Genre:  Christian Living / Self-Help

 〰First Line


On December 24, 1968, while families around the world celebrated the arrival of Christmas, a quite different perspective was being seen a couple of hundred thousand miles above the earth's surface.


Synopsis:  (From Goodreads) 

Joyce Meyer explains that a life without purpose is a life not worth living. We all need a reason to get up everyday. We all need to reach for something beyond ourselves. Over the centuries, millions of people have asked, "What am I here for? What is my purpose?" We are born; we live; and we die. We cannot do anything about being born or dying, but we can do a lot about how we live.

 〰First Thoughts

Joyce Meyer's books, videos, tapes/CDs and programs have been a part of my life since the mid 90s.  She has a knack for getting to the crux of practical matters of life in general, and Christian living in particular.  Because she started life in an abusive situation, it seems that her life has been one big dare.  

While I'm looking forward to this volume, I have had to change my mindset.  As many of you know, I teach undergraduate Theology and Doctrine courses.  After reading so much heavy theology, I have to readjust how I read and think through the materials.  Meyer's "heavy" is more the challenge of how to practically apply the real-life biblical lessons she teaches through her work.  For her, theology is more practice than theory--which, in my opinion, is how it should be.
So, what's the first line of the book you're currently reading?

1 comment:

  1. I have not read much of Joyce Meyer's works. My sister loves her books. Have a great weekend!
