Thursday, October 13, 2016

31 Days of 5 Minute Free Writes 2016 - 13: "Aware" [Thursday Thirteen]


I've seen so much ridiculousness on the internet in the name of "raising awareness."  From the ice bucket challenge for ALS to a woman running a marathon during her menstrual cycle with no feminine protection for a point no one understood (that was nasty), this nuttiness brings more attention to the person posting than the actual cause.  Below is a list of things we really need to be made aware of--or re-aware if we've forgotten.


  1. Glaucoma - thousands are blinded by this disease every year.
  2. Orphaned baby girls in China - many churches know about their plight.  Do you?
  3. Adult illiteracy - yes, there are still people in this country who can't read.
  4. Depression and mental illness among functional adults.  It's readily visible among those who are debilitated by it, but what of those who appear normal?  Case in point; Robin Williams.
  5. Eating disorders.
  6. Sickle cell anemia.
  7. Kids with fatherless homes - How about some of you men mentor these kids and teach them how not to repeat the cycle?
  8. Type I Diabetes - Type II gets all the press.
  9. Religious persecution of Christians - we hear in the media about persecution of other religions, but not this one. 
  10. How about your neighbors who are in need?  We need to be aware of  and do something about that.

So, I didn't make it to 13, but do you get my point?  Don't let social media be your only source of awareness.  There is suffering everywhere.  Let's be agents of change, rather than adding to the agony.

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