Saturday, July 27, 2013

You Can Call Me Auntie: 30-Day Blog Challenge, Day 20

Nicknames You've Had
[Blog Challenge:  Day 20]
I've only had a few nicknames in my life, some good, some bad, some meh.  I'll mention the top three here: 
  • "Black Boy" or just "Boy" - my dad always called me that.  He wanted more sons, but had mostly daughters.  I didn't mind so much....then.
  • "Shamu the Killer Whale" - Comedian and Late, Late Show host Craig Ferguson talks about being overweight and how kids always give the fat kid a nickname.  His was Tubby; Mine was Shamu the Killer Whale.  It was "given" to me in 11th grade on the band practice field by Dominc Sinclair, one of our bass drummers.  It wasn't long till he had most of the band calling me that.  I remember when we went to Washington DC on a band trip, we were in the hotel swimming pool and I decided to get out of the water.  When I pulled myself onto the side of the pool, I had to sort of roll as I pulled (have I mentioned that I'm short?).  The rest of the band saw it, pointed and laughed, and said, "there goes Shamu getting out of the water.  I wonder what trick she's going to do next?"  If I could have gone home right then, I would have.  I wonder where Mr. Sinclair is these days?  Hmmm...
  • "Auntie" - being an aunt and great aunt several times over started the ball rolling on this name.  I adopted it as my permanent nickname because (1) I like it.  and (2) You know how some churches have the "church mothers"--the ladies who take care of everyone and who the younger people come to for advice?  Well, that was me at my home church, but I was NOT old enough to be a church mother, so I became the church Auntie.  I rather like it like that.  I hope to get to know my new church well enough for people to feel comfortable with me as Auntie.  There's people at Celebrate Recovery already calling me by that name.  So, feel free to just call me Auntie. 
{I'm linking up with So, Funny Story for this 30 day  blog challenge.}


  1. I wish my kids could have an Auntie nearby like you. Living so far from family has them missing out on those special people! I am sorry that a mean kid gave you that name...I don't know why people have to be so mean. I'm glad that you are a strong and beautiful woman who isn't afraid to speak her mind!

    1. I need to come visit you and the kids. We'd have a blast.
